The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Cameo Combat

Project: Cameo Combat
Project Started: 7th May, 2010 Last Update: 3rd June, 2010
Project Owner: W3R3W00F Project Members: Sumo148
Project Type: A Lacewing game. Project Progress:
More Info: coming... Faves: 17

A little rundown of what's done on my part.
Posted 27th May 10, by W3R3W00F  
I might as well inform you all of what's done as far as my spriting goes.

Graphic wise, I'm as good done with the menu. Not coding yet; I still need to code the splash screen which will appear after you type in your user name (It was the other way around, but since the splash screen is dark looking I had to make it flow. )

The actual game sprites aren't quite done yet. I have made quite abit of progress, and I'd say I'm at least 80% done with them. They would've been finished by now, but because school, loss of interest in continual spriting, plenty of distractions, and other life matters are getting in my way, that hasn't happened. Plus, (this is what's holding me back,) with some of the characters, I have very little to work with and few directions, no offense to anyone, lol Once the sprites are done, I'll think about posting a simple video of animations and stuff.

Anyways, that's all I've got to say. Have a nice day, people.

Progress bumped up to 52%.

Posted by Sumo148 27th May, 2010

"I have very little to work with and few directions"

true...some characters are hard to make up special attacks and such
Posted by nick_peoples 27th May, 2010

this game looks AWSOME
Posted by W3R3W00F 28th May, 2010

Lol, thanks Shiru, Nick.


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