After spending the whole of last month completing Super Ecksdee Panic, I'm slowly getting back into the groove with FableQuest. For the sake of this project, I will have to hold off on Paper Kart unless someone is able to help me with the sprite mapping/object management issues. You can find out more in PK's project thread if you're interested.
Anyway, as I work on adding some new monsters, I'm thinking seriously about the ally system I mentioned earlier. Because I'd want the project to move forward at a decent speed, I may be better off just leaving the ally system the way it is for now (minus allies getting knocked out, which I would like to implement) and pushing forward. In this case, I'd only use allies for plot-related reasons rather than making it a consistent gameplay mechanic.
Also, somebody commented on my last devlog that Ikkin seems to run too slowly in the video that played during my Klikcast interview. This is, of course, one opinion, but I'm wondering if other people share the same concerns. If so, how much should I increase her running speed? (In the Alpha 3 trailer it's 19, in the Klikcast interview it's 20.) Through my personal experiments, a speed of 22 seems to match up the best with her animation.