The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Princess Light

Project: Princess Light
Project Started: 6th July, 2010 Last Update: 12th September, 2011
Project Owner: MeadowHare Project Members:
Project Type: Platformer/Action Adventure Project Progress:

A Small Update
Posted 5th Apr 11, by MeadowHare  
I haven't updated in quite a while; school has been seriously killing me. I haven't been working on This game as much, but there are a couple changes that have happened.

1) The most notable change is the title of the game itself has changed. Instead of "The Way Back," which suited my previous vision of the game's storyline, (and could potentially get me into some legal issues) the title is now "Princess Light." This title has much more significance in the game, and is more intriguing, I think. Sorry to drop such a huge change on ya, but the old title was not doing it for me anymore.

2) To go with the name change, the storyline is also far different. certain characters have been removed, while some new ones have been added. I'll be focusing a lot on character development in the game too. Also, there will be four main areas now instead of three before. I'm putting much more effort into planning this time, so that this project doesn't burn me out like it has before.

3) The game is gonna be longer. Think Metroid length in terms of duration. I'm projecting about six hours or more, so get ready for a long haul.

I'm hoping to get some serious work done during the summer break, which is less than a month away. The engine is much, much more refined now, and this should make it far easier and faster to develop.

Posted by Eternal Man [EE] 5th April, 2011

Sounds really good! I love the new name, way better!
Good luck to you!
Posted by ELC_Games 7th April, 2011

6 hours? Man, really hope you're up for digging in and chocking this full of that much content. Can't wait for the next playable demo/screenshots/videos!


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