The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Killing Machine Movement

Project: Killing Machine: Movement
Project Started: 22nd February, 2010 Last Update: 20th June, 2023
Project Owner: Rocketron Project Members:
Project Type: Action platformer, semi-rpg, cyberpunk, ridiculous Project Progress:
More Info: Faves: 9

Posted 20th May 11, by Rocketron  
Still working on Movement, don't worry, just can't be bothered to write new diary entries. Today's update is a new level: Reactor. If you've played Rocketron, you'll be familiar with it. If you haven't played Rocketron... what's wrong with you?!?! Download it now!!! I'll remind you of how Reactor went in Rocketron: there is a central "reactor", with 3 Power Supply Units surrounding it. You have to reach each PSU in order to deactivate them, before you can permanently disable the reactor. In order to reach any of the PSUs, you have to travel through the dangerous reactor area, which must be temporarily disabled each time. The Movement version of this level is a significant update. To reach the PSUs, you're going to have to use all the powers in Kador's arsenal - etherealising through solid walls, riding gravity fields, hacking complicated control systems - and even when you get to them, they're rather better defended than in Rocketron. Deus-Ex style Spider-bots are just one of the new enemies you'll have to fight, or avoid.

Feature Spotlight: Water
Back in the academy, Kador was sometimes nicknamed "Gator" because of his impressive and deadly underwater abilities. And luckily for the player, we've put a lot of water for you to show off in We've put a lot of effort into programming the water, with a lot of interesting special cases. Each weapon (~30 different guns) behaves in its own way, both firing into water and from within water. For example, if you're on the shore and trying to beamcannon an underwater enemy, remember to take into account refraction! If you're swimming, remember NOT to fire your lightning gun, unless you want to fry with your enemies. And, if you're trying to hit some underwater guy with your RPG, remember the rockets' engines don't work underwater. Doesn't mean you can't still hit him though

Oh, and patient players have been known to take up the hobby of grenade skimming.



Posted by izac 22nd May, 2011

This game does look very cool!

Posted by Rocketron 23rd May, 2011

Maybe I'll do a feature spotlight on the cheats...


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