The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Princess Light

Project: Princess Light
Project Started: 6th July, 2010 Last Update: 12th September, 2011
Project Owner: MeadowHare Project Members:
Project Type: Platformer/Action Adventure Project Progress:

Baby Steps
Posted 31st May 11, by MeadowHare  
So for the last few months progress has been very slow on this game. For the most part, I'm still just refining the engine of the game. My main problem on the first draft of the game was that I failed to perfect the basic engine before starting development.

To aid in this, I'm also contructing a beta engine test for the game. I will probably try to get several playtesters to assist in refining... Because I'm sure of one thing: I'm not redoing the game again.

Stay tuned for more updates. But for now, take this screenshot:

Scenery is not really final, but I feel as though the basic tileset needs more variation. Do you guys share my feeling on this?

Posted by nim 31st May, 2011

What do you think was wrong with the original game's engine? Obviously being the developer you'll notice more things about it than the average player, but I thought it did the job nicely. Good to hear that the game is moving along!
Posted by MeadowHare 31st May, 2011

Thank you, Shiru. I'm trying the get the graphics more appealing this time around.

nim, there were many internal code problems in the original engine, most of which had to do with saving large amounts of information (or the full game). The movement engine was okay, but the full game is to have seven weapons instead of two, and in the first draft of the game, switching was clunky and slow.

I also made an new physics code for the health bubbles that enemies spew out when killed, I fixed up the water movement a fair bit, and created a new enemy stats engine.

Again, a lot of these things weren't even seen in the demo that was released. But as the developer, I'm very happy with the changes.


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