The Daily Click ::. Projects ::. Hazard

Project: Hazard
Project Started: 16th June, 2008 Last Update: 6th June, 2011
Project Owner: Knockturnal Project Members: Falcon Eaglehawk
Project Type: Online Shooter (Not in development) Project Progress:

Finally some content
Posted 5th Jun 11, by Knockturnal  
So after many years I've decided to release what we've been working on for so long. Probably already tonight. This game might not be dead, it's just that a lot of things needs to be redone or fixed (like deep fixes).

All I need to do is wrap what we've already got working in some nice summery gift paper and then upload it.

Look forward to see what we had cooking all those months and years ago.


Posted by Knockturnal 5th June, 2011

Thanks, it means a lot that someone cares!


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