I recieved a few donations from some of the fans, I am super happy about it
Well, it wasn't too much, but it was enough to get an XNA exporter at it's discounted price!
Before I make more progress on this project, since everyone is so cool, I'm going to begin make an xbox ready build for the game, with a mac version as well. The mac version will be the same as the free PC version, but since the Xbox version will be sold for $1, I'm going to add in some new features that I had planned for the competition but didn't have time to impliment
While I still need to come up with the money for the XBLIG liscence, I've got enough to at least get the game ready with the new features/fixes and should hopefully only need a short amount of testing time on with the xbox.
Again, you guys all rock, and I love you all!
A merry winter solstice to everyone