For the three people that have so far voted for Lil pirate in the current general poll. Thanks for voting!
Some basic stats on the game so far.
The game uses only 4 frames at the moment.
1. Title screen
2. Level selector/Map
3. Shop (accessed via a subapp)
4. Main game frame.
The main mfa is 825k in size because a lot of the files are external (levels, music, background images etc.)
The total amount of Events in the main game frame (so far) is 1412.
Although a lot of these are just for the level loader. I'll probably be able to delete some of them from the final game as there are a few objects and enemies that remain unused in the game.
There are 63 level files but they compress so well, a zip archive is only 62k. Again some of these wont be used anyway.
The folder with all of my files for the game totals 267mb for some reason.
If I compiled the whole game as an Exe and included all the external files it would be 2.97mb (zipped)
Since i feel the need to post a picture every time i make an update Ive decided to show you guys how Ive been inspired by Hayo's Fishhead world tour and some of his Fishhead artwork.
See the similarities?