The Daily Click ::. Trophies ::. Otter

Otter's Trophy Collection
Otter has received 13 trophies.

Otter received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from columbo borgi :C on Today
Comment: "Can't stop being an Otter!"
Otter received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from OMC on 5th January, 2014
Comment: "Zdravstvuytye, Viiman!"
Otter received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from alastair john jack on 17th February, 2012
Comment: "For becoming yeah! "
Otter received a "Constructive" trophy from Kisguri on 27th December, 2011
Comment: "For Winning!"
Otter received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Johnny Look on 18th December, 2011
Comment: "Wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiman ! "
Otter received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Marko on 18th December, 2011
Comment: "Trophy giver to (almost) non-active member! "
Otter received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from eliris on 15th December, 2011
Comment: "for being here on the end"
Otter received a "Constructive" trophy from Ricky on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Being a positive member of TDC"
Otter received a "Helping" trophy from alastair john jack on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "TEHE "
Otter received a "Constructive" trophy from Hagar on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Dude Award!"
Otter received a "Project" trophy from Assault Andy on 12th May, 2010
Comment: "Majestic Plural Teamwork: Awesome progress so far!"
Otter received a "Helping" trophy from MrPineapple on 4th August, 2009
Comment: "for giving me 20/20 for sounds/music! "
Otter received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from OMC on 10th April, 2009
Comment: "Relatives that live near my relatives! "

Otter has sent 84 trophies to other users.

Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 17th November, 2024
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2024"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 17th November, 2024
Comment: "You (belated) yearly trophy 2023"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 23rd November, 2022
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2022"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 23rd November, 2022
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2021"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 26th January, 2020
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2020"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 18th July, 2019
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2019"
nivram received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 5th June, 2018
Comment: "I still think he’s Mark Twain"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 5th May, 2018
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2018"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 23rd July, 2017
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2017"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 3rd January, 2016
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2016"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 7th January, 2015
Comment: "You yearly trophy 2015"
OMC received a "Constructive" trophy from Otter on 5th January, 2014
Comment: "Meow!"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 5th January, 2014
Comment: "You yearly trophy 2014"
nivram received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 5th January, 2014
Comment: "Mark Twain reincarnated"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 7th May, 2013
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2013"
Retired Kliker Lazarus received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 10th November, 2012
Comment: "Your yearly trophy 2012"
nivram received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 12th February, 2012
Comment: "For having a Mark Twain avatar!"
axel received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 24th December, 2011
Comment: "Because you deserve a trophy... "
Kisguri received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 21st December, 2011
Comment: "For being a very successful clicker! "
Kevin Smets received a "Coding" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Future Fantasy is great! "
columbo borgi :C received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Some say he can slam a revolving door..."
OMC received a "Constructive" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "For going into the world of marketing games!"
Simon Czentnár received a "Project" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "For making some pretty cool stuff"
clubsoft test received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Not the real Clubsoft "
Eternal Man [EE] received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "I pity the foo!"
Duncan received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "For having a squidapuss avatar..."
Sketchy received a "Constructive" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "You know why..."
Flava received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Trophy time!!! TA-DA!!!"
Diego received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Go Diego Go!"
Philippe received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Hablo Espanol!"
Carlos received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Chicken Quesadilla, por favor"
Klayman received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Because you finished Treasure Adventure Game "
Rob Rule received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Meow!"
3kliksphilip received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "I still think Jeff pawns!"
Dr. James MD received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 16th December, 2011
Comment: "Away doing Dr. James stuff"
Rikus received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "It's been a wild ride. We're all gonna miss you!"
Ricky received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Just a good guy to be around"
Marko received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Probably one of the best members on TDC <y>"
HorrendousGames received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Trophy time! "
Windybeard Games received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For supporting my project"
Neuro received a "Project" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For supporting my project"
UrbanMonk received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For supporting my project"
Assault Andy received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Great member and admin!"
MasterM received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For being around since 2002!"
Hagar received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "It's Hagar the Horrible! "
Yai7 received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "The Man of Nastiness"
eliris received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For being there at the end... Beep! (Dies)"
Phredreeke received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Holy Diver!!! "
Cecilectomy received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "TACOES!!!"
Codemonkey received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "KYLE! We miss you!"
Strife received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For having purple hair!"
Del Duio received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Good games and projects!"
Hayo received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "The God of the Click"
The Chris Street received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "You'll always be Circy to me ;_;"
AndyUK received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "The Platform Master!"
s-m-r received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Great Sensable Member. Will be missed!"
Jon Lambert received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Previously called 'Jon And George Lambert'"
Clubsoft received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "The silent God of TDC <violen music>"
Sumo148 received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Cool projects!"
Johnny Look received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Heeeeeeeere's Johny!!!"
MJK received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Great games, great projects, great member"
CraigT received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For Seeing Something When Nowone Else Did"
-Dark Martin- received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "I REMEMBER YOU "
Matt Boothman received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Boothman!!!"
Yami received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Awesome guy! And cool avatar!"
Pixelthief received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "I never got your avatar ;_;"
Deleted received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Psst...We know you're not really a monkey "
Blue66 received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For making games about Zombies and Pandas"
alastair john jack received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "We all know your real name is Alspal "
ILIKESCIFI Games received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "For supporting my project"
Fifth received a "Project" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "Illuminator is Tenawesome (Tennacious + Awesome)"
Peblo received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "I remember the 'Tourey'"
-Liam- received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 14th December, 2011
Comment: "This is...SLINKINGTON!"
Ski received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 23rd July, 2010
Comment: "For hating Zombies with a passion..."
Mecha the Slag received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 22nd August, 2009
Comment: "Helping me prove that good fangames DO exist"
MrPineapple received a "Project" trophy from Otter on 4th August, 2009
Comment: "Fruitastical project improvement!"
W3R3W00F received a "Constructive" trophy from Otter on 2nd August, 2009
Comment: "For great competition success!"
bernie[FA] received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 23rd July, 2009
Comment: "Amazing games!"
Museum CareTaker received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 25th May, 2009
Comment: "Bringing back the classics!"
OMC received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 11th April, 2009
Comment: "Uber Guber Snuber member of the Week!"
Rikus received a "Helping" trophy from Otter on 11th April, 2009
Comment: "Told me I could delete trophies..."
Hill Gigas received a "Miscellaneous" trophy from Otter on 10th April, 2009
Comment: "The Legend!"
Marko received a "Project" trophy from Otter on 7th April, 2009
Comment: "Massacre Beta Tester"
Sheexy received a "Project" trophy from Otter on 7th April, 2009
Comment: "Massacre Beta Tester"




Worth A Click