The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Engine ::. Inventory & Movement Engine

Inventory & Movement Engine
Author: Ez* [Data String Studios] Submitted: 18th November, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Engine Downloads: 487

Movement Engine,
This was a movement engine based on an early version of mathmatical grid movement. Both myself and Kyza worked on having an active object bahave in a more controlable movement pattern. Rather then bouncing off of buildings in a collosion the active object just halts.

The Inventory System,
Kyza developed this himself and has given notes within the application for you to see how it works. Basically its just picking up and equiping items the engines can have infinite amount of items.

Review This Download (268kb )

Posted by Robbert 19th November, 2005

I didn't quite understand it, even with the explanation.
Posted by NUB 19th November, 2005

Basically is a sneak peak of the MMORPG, I will be writing development notes on after I have finished celebrating my birthday.

Posted by Cecilectomy 19th November, 2005

you should have layers so you can go behind the buildings and make them seethrough when your behind them so you can see yourself. and i sent you an email awhile ago and i never got a reply. im still interested in helping soooo...
Posted by Ez* [Data String Studios] 20th November, 2005

Okay man, add me on msn
Posted by Cecilectomy 21st November, 2005

i dont use msn . i use aim: VindicatedMonstr
Posted by NUB 23rd November, 2005

Yea I just sorted the layers out yesterday, im still working on this, Im working on baddie AI atm.
Posted by Adrian Silea 18th December, 2005

Yeah, good stuff I must say, though what I'd like is a cca version of this tut.
Posted by siven 9th January, 2011

links dead...





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