The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Bat And Ball ::. BrickKill 2

BrickKill 2
Author: Arjan Burggraaf [Eggy] Submitted: 8th September, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Bat And Ball Downloads: 374

BrickKill 2 is the sequel to BrickKill. It's not so good, but it's a lot better than BK 1:
- the GFX are better
- the SFX are better
- there are 10 new levels

It's a bad break-out game, due the crappy ball movement, but if you like break-out games than this one has to be in your collection too, lol!!!

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Posted by WesR 8th September, 2002

"...It's not so good..." Don't say that!
Posted by 8th September, 2002

ohhh man i MUST have every breakout game every released, i gotta dl this one
Posted by Arjan Burggraaf [Eggy] 9th September, 2002

hey, man I just say the truth... I don't say: "This is the best break-out game that is ever made", because it isn't!





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