The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Titan The Infiltrator

Titan : The Infiltrator
Author: Tony (Darkjune) Submitted: 13th September, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 360

this is more of a tester, I put this game together over the last couple of days. It's a smash tv, Destruction carnival clone.

The storyline is that you play a character in the future that is called upon to do the things that nobody else wants to. If a building is infested with some sort of aliens you have to go in and clean it out, room, by room. The missions would run like that. You get one major weapon, and a series of other ones.

This game would be a filler while I work on my game b(e), it is relatively quick and easy(to an exstant) to make. I would just like to know if it seems worth finishing.

In the demo -
+good graphics
+sound effects
+enemy a-i

the demo is just a one room tester in which you have to destroy slugs, and their "homes".

Review This Download (407 kb )

Posted by Pegwo 13th September, 2002

Wow ... awesome..can't wait till the release.
Posted by BankBank 13th September, 2002

less demos, more games
Posted by Zi-Xiao 13th September, 2002

my god. dont tell me u drew those pixel by pixel :p
Posted by gustav 13th September, 2002

they dont look fully pixeled to me. just outlined with black pixels. anyway this is pretty cool but kinda dull... not much is happening and the weapon is very slow. i hope you crank up the action in later levels.
Posted by T.U.G.A. 13th September, 2002

sir. you have created the best sprites known to man.
Posted by Tony (Darkjune) 13th September, 2002

thank you for the comments, first off the graphics were done using a combo of the tgf sprite editor and photoshop. I made the bullets a bit faster, hte full version will have more weapons, power-ups etc.. and the bad guys in this demo are the bottom of the barrel, each assignment will have hopefully a good variety of baddies.
Posted by Prototailz 13th September, 2002

This is very good game.
Posted by colej_uk 14th September, 2002

Great game, hope to see it finished one day :)





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