The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Lucky Dime Caper

Lucky Dime Caper
Author: BankBank Submitted: 23rd October, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 184

Edited By Rygo on 10/23/2002

Fun little game I made for the 4-color competition. Great music, 2 seperate addictive modes of gameplay, and high score saving! Try it out!

Review This Download (469kb )

Posted by BankBank 23rd October, 2002

Larger screenshot at as well!
Posted by BankBank 23rd October, 2002

Post your high scores! See who is TEH WINNAR!!!!!!1
Posted by mdfm2k 23rd October, 2002

My best was 1035. Addictive game!
Posted by mdfm2k 23rd October, 2002

But the screen was weird. Some of the writing was off the screen. I should have made Bunny Star in 4 colors and put that in the comp.
Posted by BankBank 23rd October, 2002

mwahhaha 2145
Posted by mdfm2k 23rd October, 2002

This game is made with blitz isn't it? not even a click game. Just you put the Fusion icon on the window.
Posted by Bakuchiku-san 23rd October, 2002

My best was 1270! Good but simple game.
Posted by BankBank 23rd October, 2002

fixed font bug
Posted by BankBank 23rd October, 2002

new version coming out in a little bit, with another (imo funner) gameplay mode
Posted by royal knight software 23rd October, 2002

where do you get blitz?
Posted by BankBank 23rd October, 2002

the game is in mmf
Posted by royal knight software 23rd October, 2002

still where u get blitz?
Posted by Dogzer 23rd October, 2002

Posted by BankBank 23rd October, 2002 if the link doesnt work.
Posted by Kamakazekrazyklown 24th October, 2002

Eh, the new version is ok I guess. The text problem is still there (this time the score is also affected) and I don't think the new death messages are as good as the original one. It's still a pretty fun game though, and the new mode is a nice touch.
Posted by Kamakazekrazyklown 24th October, 2002

Argh, I completely worded that wrong. What I meant by the score being affected is that in Treasure mode on the same line as the score you can see the words "You Lose", which I'm assuming isn't supposed to be there.
Posted by BankBank 24th October, 2002

Install the font that comes with it to fix these problems.
Posted by BankBank 24th October, 2002

BTW, what's your high score? Mine's 14 on treasure hunt.





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