The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Duke Nukem 3

Duke Nukem 3
Author: Staffan Submitted: 8th November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 407

Edited By Staffan on 11/9/2002

I know I shouldn't steal copywrighted names but I just don't seem to have any imagination so I have to.

I am almost proud of this game so plz give it a try.

I am not sure the save function will work unless you place a file named save (without file extension) in your windows folder.

Since I forgot to include a readme file in the game, here are the controls:

Move: Numpad 4,5,6 and 8
Shoot: PageDown
Strafe: Del and End
Switch Weaponds: Ins and Home

If you think the game is too hard (witch I doubt that anyone will) I have included two cheat codes. Typing DNKROZ in the game will turn on god mode. Typing DNSTUFF will give you all weaponds and full ammo...

Hope you enjoy my game..

Review This Download (5.73mb )

Posted by Simdrone052 8th November, 2002

Duke Numem 2 RULES! Mah favorite dos game EVAR!
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 8th November, 2002

downloading . . .What is this made with BTW
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 8th November, 2002

From what i played of it it wasnt very good.It caused an error after about 1min.Im not gonna rate this game since i havent played it much,but it looked OK.It'sa a bit dartk also ..
Posted by podius (Alan C) 8th November, 2002

um, i'm having problems unzipping this w/ winrar.
Posted by Muggus 8th November, 2002

Wasn't Duke 3D Duke Nukem 3? Anyway...Duke 3D is my favourite game of all i'll give this a try!...I'll be back...
Posted by Muggus 8th November, 2002

Seems pretty good...seems fun...but i'll just a few things that worry me a bit and take away the fun a bit... The controls...numero uno...they're not practical...i'm mean strafing and that is good, but the should be spread in Duke 3D if your trying to emulate that. I think there is need for more sounds or graphics for you getting hit...add some blood or a screaming sound effect if you get hit, or a hit animation for Duke, I can hardly tell when i'm getting shot. And I also think you should add either a firing animation for the weapons of Duke and the enemies, or have like a shot spark so it looks like the weapon is firing. Apart from that it seems decent, I probably just need to get use to it, so I can go further!
Posted by Staffan 9th November, 2002

I have no idea why the thumnails of the screenshots doesnt work, but you can see them if you click on them, or atleast I can. About the sounds, I guess I was just lazy, I added the sounds the last thing I did and I was a bit eager to get the game up. And I like the controls but I guess I should have thaught of others as well, thats a common mistake for me. Anyway, thanks alot for the comments averybody and Ill be sure to think of everything in my next game, if there will be a next game.
Posted by Broomie 9th November, 2002

there was already a duke nukem 3, it was mostly the same as Duke Nukem 2, then Duke 3D was just another game for Duke fans
Posted by The Green Stranger 9th November, 2002

Staffan sounds swedish to me. Är du svensk staffan?
Posted by zork25 9th November, 2002

Hehe, jag är svensk.
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 9th November, 2002

sverige 4-ever
Posted by Czrall C. 10th November, 2002

Och zech zoudrish, pampee et zoudrisht !
Posted by Staffan 11th November, 2002

Japp, nog är jag svensk alltid......
Posted by TS Team 12th November, 2002

Yo quirro grande chi chi's What a nice game! It inspires me. Nice touch of neat, 3-Dimensional looking graphics!
Posted by Ashman 14th November, 2002

Ig, Nang tang par loo kar Translated : Stopped talking kooky talk
Posted by Wilderness (Ultra Soft) 13th October, 2003

det här var fan riktigt bra : vi behöver fler dukefangames :D
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 23rd November, 2003

Sorry broomie, but that's wrong, DN3 was DN3d
Posted by 15th July, 2004

Damn you, if Duke nukem would see this. He'll propably take your computer and shit in it. (He did the same thing to "DN3D" the first episode's boss) I luv DN3D, but you have raped the whole DN with this game. :(




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