The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Jens Attack!

Jens Attack!
Author: Nioreh Submitted: 19th November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 253

Edited By Nioreh on 11/20/2002

This game was made by me about two years ago as a joke. The enemies in this game is a picture of my friend Jens. He didn't like this game at all, but it's a good game, and scoring is hard and fun! Read the readme for more info!

PS. To those of you who take this game seriously, don't! It was a total joke right from the start, just look at the stoopid graphics and itro pics. Hehe, but i like it!

Review This Download (327kb )

Posted by Death Reaper X 20th November, 2002

The install keeps freezing :( Probs my computer though :p
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 20th November, 2002

It installed fine for me. Reviewed.
Posted by Erik 20th November, 2002

Rushed, Then how come you people from norge comes streaming into sweden during the summer? SWEDEN ROCK.
Posted by gustav 20th November, 2002

urgh shut up with the mindless nationality crap. you're just making fools out of yourselves.
Posted by Stian B. 20th November, 2002

Thailand rocks ! ;) Not forget to mention Iceland! :) :D Ta da...!
Posted by Nioreh 20th November, 2002

Hehe, this thing actually made it to the front page? Well, guess that's a good thing. It even got a review, yey! I'm happy! And what's up with this nationality war. Everyone knows Norwegians are lame.
Posted by Official Idiot 25th November, 2002

Niroeh! Did you read your article on crappy previews? You obviously didn't.
Posted by Official Idiot 25th November, 2002

Niroeh! Did you read your article on crappy previews? You obviously didn't.
Posted by Nioreh 25th November, 2002

Reply to official idiot: I believe most people get the gameplay from the SCREENSHOT!!! Since this is a basic remake of an arcade classic, everyone should know what it's about, rotate your turret and shoot Jens in the freakin face! Plus, double posting is not cool.
Posted by Nioreh 25th November, 2002

btw, this is not a preview...
Posted by Simdrone052 25th November, 2002

XD this is a funny game, took me 89 hours to complete, wait a sec, this game hasn't been up that long
Posted by Jason Orme 10th December, 2002

poor poor poor. not much more i can say, you sure its based off that missile game, but its still poor, cropping heads and placing them in games is justa bad idea, its been done before, please move on.
Posted by pixelscope 18th January, 2006

oh shut up. I'm sure it wasnt meant to be anything but poor.
Posted by DaVince 15th July, 2006







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