The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Battlo

Author: dwayne Submitted: 21st November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 168

Edited By dwayne on 11/23/2002

This game is simple you and another player use your planes to drop bombs onto your enemys this demo has about 6 levels and is quiet challenging to finish.

Full Version Release Date:13th janurary
Retailerc Software Studios.

also try not to crash into each other it's that simple enjoy.
(tell me what you think)

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Posted by DeadmanDines 22nd November, 2002

Important Note: please include screenshots of games if at all possible. Most people won't download a game without screenshots. The usual idea is that if someone doesn't spend time uploading screenshots, they can't have spent much time on the game, which takes much longer. This is often entirely untrue, but hey, people think that. It's best to let people know what they're in for.
Posted by Muz 22nd November, 2002

Since I had to validify this file, I was forced to download it. My opinion? Back before the days of TGF, this game might have been decent. But times have changed...and expectations have risen. Ask someone else to translate that for ya.
Posted by Nioreh 22nd November, 2002

Hmm, maybe my preview article should be read before posting downloads too...
Posted by Erik 23rd November, 2002

Posted by DeadmanDines 23rd November, 2002

Personally i think this game has good potential. It's not perfect, but everything i think it could do with i mentioned in my review.






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