The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Dodgeball

Author: Nico Submitted: 22nd November, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 478

In Dodgeball, you must dodge hundreds of balls in order to complete all of the levels. There are 25 levels in total, and as you get nearer to the end, the levels get fiendishly hard. Well, it's under 200kb, so try it out and be sure to post your comments here.

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Posted by DeadmanDines 22nd November, 2002

Again with the screenshots. I'm about the only person alive who downloads games which don't have screenshots... well actually i can't be because this game's had 4 downloads already, lol (at the time of writing). Either way, just remember to add some screenies next time, k?:) Downloading it now:)
Posted by DeadmanDines 22nd November, 2002

I need KNPG.dll - you should be able to find it in the c:\windows\system\ folder on your hard disk. You need to add it to the zip file for anyone without Klick and Play installed to run the game.
Posted by Nico 22nd November, 2002

Okay, I'll try and do that as soon as possible.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 22nd November, 2002

Posted by Jason Orme 23rd November, 2002

Posted by Nico 23rd November, 2002

Thanks for the reviews, especially Wong Chung Bang's.
Posted by Nick of All Trades 23rd November, 2002

lib graphic???
Posted by Owen.E 23rd November, 2002

that game sucks its too hard :-\
Posted by Jason Orme 23rd November, 2002

Chris Long - That character is not original he is in the Flashman library
Posted by JJ45 29th November, 2002

Very fun game, it's also original :). Well done, good idea for a game.
Posted by 5th January, 2003

It's cool and all... but if it goes Dodgeball Online, THEN I'd give it a 10-10! but other than that, it works smoothly and it's a great game! 9-10 (even though this isn't previews, lol)






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