The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. FPS 3D Engine for MMF

FPS 3D Engine for MMF
Author: Daniel from ClikManiak Submitted: 30th November, 2002 Favourites:1
Genre: Action Downloads: 2189
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 20/04/2024

Here you are a real 3D engine for MMF, using mode7 extension. It is not a simpliest gadget. It is a serious and real 3D engine. It is free open source. Send me an E-mail: and I'll send you the source. Quality like Wolfenstein 3D. Made by my son: Christophe from Cyberclic

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Posted by Beta 30th November, 2002

I dont have mmf:|
Posted by Muggus 30th November, 2002

Impressive display...the best mode 7 first person example i've seen so far...has potential...and the good thing is that it actually ran smoothly! Good luck using this for anything more however!
Posted by JJ45 30th November, 2002

This is the best tutorial in the world I've ever seen. Gives me a reason to get MMF!
Posted by ben_02 1st December, 2002

You could test for line of sight in the same way you would in 2d (using fastloops etc).
Posted by Yikes 1st December, 2002

Posted by Pete Nattress 1st December, 2002

this is very cool. someone make a game out of it and see how it plays.
Posted by gareth 1st December, 2002

does this use sprites? or 3d objects?,
Posted by Tigerworks 1st December, 2002

AAAAAAAARRRRRGGGGHHHH!!! NO! NO!! EVIL!!! C:\Moteur3d? Ever heard of appdrive$ + appdir$ ?!?! USE IT! Sorry. Just hate it when apps like this junk up my hard drive all the time. Last time I looked in root C:\ I found about 40 INI files, images, games, list files... from people who couldn't be bothered to use the same directory as the game. Anyway, it's just a Mode7 app with a height map to fake walls. Whats so special about it?
Posted by Muz 1st December, 2002

Um...I dunno. Although this looks like quite a bit of effort was put into it....who would wanna play a game like that, anyway? Maybe it's just my computer, but the engine looks as primitive as FPS games a decade ago. Not that I'm saying it's bad, but it's probably much less effort to make a Half-Life mod.
Posted by Deathbringer 1st December, 2002

or even a doom mod, specially using the EDGE engine...
Posted by Marcello 1st December, 2002

chris long: I'm talking about the fps demo with mode7ex that actually lets you shoot enemies and shit tigerworks: it's the rar self extractor that doesn't let you choose where it unzips, if you have a program like ultimate zip you can rightclick the exe and tell it to extract to wherever you want. muz: all click games are primitive, so why should we bother playing them? I mean, we might as well play super nintendo.
Posted by Lucas 1st December, 2002

If people want to make 3d games with clickteams products use JAMAGIC!! Just a thought, i dont think theres one game in this site that has a game with JAMAGIC, but it is a clickteam product
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st December, 2002

(Tigerworks)appdrive$ + appdir$ ?!?! USE IT! I've heard of this and know what it does,but not what everything means.Just wondering if you could explain it in an article or sumthin. (Marcello)Hmm what do you mean by primitive? Heh just wondering. (Lucas)Theres really no point in using Jamagic.Jamagic DEFEATS the purpose of click gaming.I could see using it,but people shouldnt consider it a full fledged click product. (im downloading now)
Posted by Lucas 1st December, 2002

If people want to make 3d games with clickteams products use JAMAGIC!! Just a thought, i dont think theres one game in this site that has a game with JAMAGIC, but it is a clickteam product
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st December, 2002

Well good work,but open source?Why the hell wont it open in MMF XD.
Posted by Tigerworks 1st December, 2002

Doesn't need an article, just a sentence: Active Picture: Open picture file appdrive$ + appdir$ + "myfile.jpg" -> Opens Myfile.jpg in the same directory as your game. Appdrive$ + appdir$ just returns the directory of your game. Quite a bit of work? Correct me if I'm wrong, but all this needs is a Mode7 heightmap and two textures, maybe an event or two for walking?
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st December, 2002

Thanks.Doesnt the $ mean something.I remember some things ive seen and done have had to use it and anothersymbol to tell what kind of value it is.Isnt $ String or text and ! is a Numerical value??
Posted by mrEkli 1st December, 2002

Posted by Chrisbo 1st December, 2002

it's alright...I did the same thing in like 2 minutes, it's really easy to do thanks to marcello's mode7 object.
Posted by Tigerworks 2nd December, 2002

My point exactly... nothing too incredible, maybe impressive to TGF users or users who have not experimented before with Mode7, but you don't even need any events for the walls. Appdrive$ <- the $ means it is a string, like String$("String object"). If it does not have a $, usually it means it is a numeric value. Exclamation marks standing for numeric values? How long have yo been using TGF/MMF?
Posted by Daniel from ClikManiak 2nd December, 2002

Hi! Thankyou you all for your interest. I'm author's father :) Err... Our ADSL connection doesnt work. And my son can't connect to his mail service. Then, send your mail to if you want code source.
Posted by Pkeod 2nd December, 2002

Awsome! this stuff has great potential! cant wate till some one with mmf makes a full fledge game! ;|)
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 2nd December, 2002

Appdrive$ <- the $ means it is a string, like String$("String object"). If it does not have a $, usually it means it is a numeric value. Exclamation marks standing for numeric values? How long have yo been using TGF/MMF? Well the ! standing for numerical was in something else (i wasnt really referring to tgf/mmf ) thanks a lot tho :).
Posted by Mike G 2nd December, 2002

I can't seem to open the .zip It says it's either corrupted or a multipart zip.
Posted by Luke McCarthy 3rd December, 2002

Download it again, the zip is OK. BTW This is very cool. 3D games are a complicated subject (compared to 2D), but from what I've already seen from the community there has to be someone who makes a half-decent game with Mode 7.
Posted by The-Three-Klikateers 3rd December, 2002

wow! that's great! very smooth. All other 3D engines i've seen are about 3 frames a second.
Posted by Mike G 3rd December, 2002

I've had a look at it, and i must say, it's good. Yes, its simply to make, but compared to some of the other 3d engines (at least the once i've seen) this one is good.
Posted by TS Team 3rd December, 2002

I can't even get through the maze... :( I realy suck at games...
Posted by The_Antisony 4th December, 2002

I like it, but is is an easy set up. I do agree that they should have used appdrive$ + appdir$ for everything. Cool engine, good speed, but adding much more to it, even with fast loop and fast function would slow down the game sooo much. Nice to see you can walk around and crud though. :D
Posted by Sami 4th December, 2002

Wow this is amazing ! I didn't think it would look that neat ! BTW - for TGF clickers A clicker who call himself Chansey made tons of 3d examples with TGF at the clickteam forum . You can also find them at his site . These are very good examples . Yet , you'll need to know some of the basic ideas in trigonometry (it not as hard as some think ).
Posted by Coolsoft Games 5th December, 2002

now all we need to do is get a third person one done...(actually that should be pretty easy just using some of the libraries provided with MMF)
Posted by zago 15th December, 2002

GREAT!..but why the walls are short? and why U hide the healthpack if the player is a little far from it? mybe to hide this BUG: I see the object thought the walls!
Posted by Matt 19th December, 2002

You used DOOM grafics, didnt you?
Posted by Matt 19th December, 2002

You used DOOM grafics, didnt you?
Posted by 5th January, 2003

very cool. I hope that someone uses this in their games, because I LOVE 3d games!
Posted by Galaxy613 4th February, 2003

I played it, it's like your are in a middle of a wheat field thats in a city.
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 14th June, 2003

anyone else have disappearing walls and such?
Posted by pr0 3rd July, 2003

this is cheap it uses mode ex 7. anyone can do this
Posted by Blargh 12th August, 2003

it would be better if someone actually finished the stuff, i know its just an engine, but it would be good if you could actually go somewhere and fight actual baddies like good old wolfenstein
Posted by renneF 21st August, 2003

Anybody know of a mode7 extension for tgf? Iv'e looked everywhere and I can't find one Mabye its time to upgrade to mmf...
Posted by Juby 5th March, 2004

The link seems to be broken. Does anyone have a link to this engine? Thanks.
Posted by EssaimE 11th March, 2004 or if you don't have MMF: :)
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 2nd April, 2004

Thanks for the link :D
Posted by Toppo 6th August, 2004

I want to make game of that but I don't understand everything :(
Posted by ß | ø ø Ð _ (/\) ! $ ţ 10th February, 2005

hmmm....first the 3D engine and now the FPS! a little thing what is very helpfull! great job Daniel!
Posted by ben mercer 30th April, 2005

Pretty cool... But anyone serious about making a real intresting 3d FPS should learn how to use klik opengl X. I have to some extent, and as im a 3d modeller you can do some GREAT stuff with it.
Posted by Robert kleven 9th September, 2005

nowp, can't download this one neather...
Posted by DaVince 27th June, 2007

Now pee?
Posted by Maciek012 24th August, 2010

can i have new download link?
Posted by Duke Fleed 23rd April, 2013

Download doesn't work!




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