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Striking past
Author: gimo Submitted: 7th December, 2002 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 354

Edited By gimo on 2/22/2003

Edited By gimo on 12/13/2002

This is a game based on WW1 theme. You play Usa and you can chose to be Marine officer, Submarine officer, and Tank officer and many more....

Progress: 20%
Author: Harbo
Genre: Top down view

This is only a demo that shows u people what we are making...

Review This Download (424kb )

Posted by Pkeod 7th December, 2002

link doesnt sem to work ;(
Posted by TAz 7th December, 2002

link doesn't work for me either... <:'(
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 7th December, 2002

update the link it doesn't work
Posted by kreature 7th December, 2002

A tank did NOT look like that in WW1, and judging from the screenies the graphics look way to modern. WW1 wasn't filled with all sorts of gadgets and shit, but with rather simple machinery and weapons, expecially when comparing to modern warefare today. Fix the link, and even if it's not historically correct, it does look pretty nice. It's pretty sure worth a try. Stay on that road !
Posted by gimo 7th December, 2002

Sorry people this is the correct link:
Posted by Ecstazy 7th December, 2002

You can edit the link I believe...
Posted by Karl Hedlund 7th December, 2002

Besides, take notice of the word "based".
Posted by gimo 7th December, 2002

There is now a new screenshot instead of the one with the tank, sorry for that one... =)
Posted by Nioreh 7th December, 2002

Looks cool. Is wasn't full screen on my comp though. Is it supposed to be? The AI was a bit strange also.
Posted by gimo 7th December, 2002

Nioreh not to be mean but notice still line: "This is only a demo that shows u people what we are making..."
Posted by kreature 7th December, 2002

Sort of misleading to use a screenshot not related to the game published, don't you think ?
Posted by Sly 7th December, 2002

I like the idea. The short levels, crossed with a sort of...'tactical' effect is good. =D
Posted by jast 8th December, 2002

I really like that game. But you should consider some things: - Bullets should go through barbed wires, add sandbags or walls that stop them instead. - Enemies shouldn't just disappear. Add some kind of dying animation and don't destroy their sprites. - Enemies should reload or something. If you're behind a wall and an emeny's shooting at you without reloading, you can't kill him without getting hit yourself --> frustrating - Add sounds!!! Well, that's it. Apart from that, this game really rocks! Keep it up... Now that OSD 2 won't be finished, this could easily become its heir.
Posted by Bill 8th December, 2002

Wow this kicks ass, I cant wait for the full game. If you add more things like operations, puzzes this game will be great. I love the grifix epecialy the sprites on the badies and goodie, why does everyone want games like this to be full screen it realy piss me off, esecialy when there is no option to put it back to window. Acutualy how can I make full screen game go back to normal size, I'm shoure it just I have not looked propaly :( Good work!
Posted by kreature 8th December, 2002

Yes, it's actually very good, but if it's based on WW1 (Here come again, with my crap), it should be a sort of "darker" setting so to say, with bad weather and such. Also there should be gore, not because we all love a lot o' blood, but WW1, and most other wars, were filled with death. Just as I see it, this test level seems a bit to 'clean' to be from WW1.
Posted by The-Three-Klikateers 8th December, 2002

Hmmmm.... pretty cool But I must agree with Orju blablabla (can't be bothered to write that name). It looks more like modern warfare than WW1. You should change the firing to single shot. And have machine guns that you can get on instead of carrying around. Maybe a few blokes on your side would be nice. But great demo.
Posted by Bill 8th December, 2002

Almost certanly you shuld have some weather effect, they add alot oof depth to games. I also agree with nfjdjdg(wheres the past button) more verity with wepons and how they fire, however this is very good for an erly demo, Good luck!
Posted by CIDIC 8th December, 2002

very nice i'm starting a ww2 game. never thought of the mouse thing tho don't think i will steal it from you hehe the gfx are just a bit too small very good just hard to enjoy them at that size. i would love to help with this is you need it.
Posted by Yikes 8th December, 2002

OSD 2 IS NOT GOING TO BE COMPLETED? NOOOOOOOO! DAMN! F**K! S**T! H**L! DIRTY BASTARDS! ANYWHAY... I think this game is cool! The smoke from the machineguns and bullets! Add sounds!
Posted by kreature 8th December, 2002

A WW2 setting would fit this game much better than WW1, at least when relating to the present graphics, landscape etc. Even that may be a bit far off, and I agree Randall up there. Single shots ! Rifles were the standard in WW1, not Machine guns. Actually the only machine guns were those 'sentry guns'. A neat feature would be that you could handle one of those sentry guns yourself to kill some enemies. And again, check a bit with those guns, and also the uniforms and helmets. It may seem like I'm only pointing out negative crap here, but all in all, a bit more research wouldn't hurt at all. This clearly has potential to be a great WW game. Of course you can go the easy way and just change the setting to WW2, or something like that. I would also suggest to have some dead bodies lying around then and now, and of course, the bodies should lie there when they die, just the same with the blood. Wars are filled with gore and death. It will only enhance the realism. If you play Medal of Honor : Allied Assault you may get an even better image of how the surroundings could be. (Although that is a WW2 game). *puh* That should be all for now :)
Posted by kreature 8th December, 2002

Holy shit, did I write that BIG comment :P
Posted by gimo 8th December, 2002

Guys Guys guys... please send this to the mamil instead your going to flood with comments send mail to me or harbo: or Please
Posted by kreature 8th December, 2002

It's easier to post them here don't you think eh? .. Just copy and paste into notepad if you want to keep em' !
Posted by gimo 8th December, 2002

oopps wrote that in a hurry some spelling errors... Harbo's mail for Example: thats it.. =)
Posted by gimo 8th December, 2002

It's not only that i want to keep em it's anoying to read so much here.. and some are ideas for the game... that should be on the mail..
Posted by kreature 8th December, 2002

Well, you may have a point, but I at least find it easier to just comment it here, and I do think it's to the better of all. And it's not that much to read either actually, just look through it and take some notes. Easy !
Posted by Simdrone052 8th December, 2002

Posted by Texmo 8th December, 2002

Nice Job ripping off OSD duder. Wait, did I say nice?
Posted by Joint(jgi) 9th December, 2002

lmao just triang some stuff out i think the game is cool just add sounds
Posted by Joint(jgi) 9th December, 2002

what is osd?
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 10th December, 2002

And OSD was in no way a Cannon Fodder ripoff?
Posted by Alucard spelled backwards 10th December, 2002

This is pretty much of an OSD ripoff, but i don't think that it is meant to be that... Well, otherwise it is OK.
Posted by gimo 10th December, 2002

I don't even know what OSD is so no.. We're sorry if we have upppset anyone but we didn't mean to rippoff someone elses game...
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th December, 2002

the gameplay's not really too similar. it's a war game, it's got similarities, but what do you expect? You just continue to sit in your tower Pod.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th December, 2002

the gameplay's not really too similar. it's a war game, it's got similarities, but what do you expect? You just continue to sit in your tower Pod.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th December, 2002

the gameplay's not really too similar. it's a war game, it's got similarities, but what do you expect? You just continue to sit in your tower Pod.
Posted by The-Three-Klikateers 11th December, 2002

well you could just say OSD is a rip off of Medal of Honour Allied Assault dont ya think.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th December, 2002

shit triple post. how the hell'd that happen. anyway, it kinda underlines my point.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th December, 2002

shit triple post. how the hell'd that happen. anyway, it kinda underlines my point.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 11th December, 2002

shit triple post. how the hell'd that happen. anyway, it kinda underlines my point.
Posted by kreature 13th December, 2002

Pod, stop complaining about others games ! Afraid of competition or something ?
Posted by The-Three-Klikateers 14th December, 2002

Hey im not ripping off OSD its a bloody good game im just defending this game coz some are saying its a rip off of OSD! sorry if you miss understood me.
Posted by kreature 15th December, 2002

Although it looks like OSD in many ways, it doesn't have to be a ripoff at all. You think Battlefield is a ripoff of Medal of Honor ? Then you're screwed. :)
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 19th February, 2003

links down again
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 14th June, 2003

I have a shooting game that uses the mouse, does that mean I ripped you off? Or maybe some of those old early 90's games that use the mouse ripped you off too. Well, you better get on the phone with the designers of Abuse and demand payment for the control scheme you think you invented, Hell make Blizzard pay for it to, I mean Diablo and all really what were they thinking ripping your control scheme years before your game came out. Podunkian, your brain is thin and flaky.





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