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The Peacemakers Demo
Author: Daniel[Crazy_Productions] Submitted: 17th January, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 311

Edited By Daniel Sör on 1/17/2003

The Peacesmakers is a 2-player
strategy game. You take the role as the president of the United states in the middle of the third world war. The whole world is threatened by some terrorists with a nuclear warhead.

The game has a campain mode you have to admit that its kinda unusual for an 2-player game... but you want orginality dont you?

Anyway because this is a demo you can only play one map and you cant get money so you cant build troops and you cant make your own maps either.
Oh and you control the arrow with the numpad the rest is found in the game.

AND PLEASE MAKE COMMENTS GOOD OR BAD! I can take them all BUT I want constructive ones not just "this game suck!"

PS. remember this is a demo and check back often for updates

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Posted by Prototailz 17th January, 2003

Well. I try this one.
Posted by Prototailz 17th January, 2003

Firstly, how can I move left, right and down? When I click that little guy, it just moves up.
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

It moves the same direction as the arrow in the down right corner. You can change its direction by pressing 7,8,9,6,3,2,1 or 4 on the numpad.
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

oh shit you two have the same username!
Posted by Aali [Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

almost got a lil confused there :)
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

I better change it... and thats fast! from now on my name is Daniel Sör ;)
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

Updated now! but the filesize is... 1kb bigger LOL :)
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

Updated filesize now!
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 17th January, 2003

And now you can buy... TROOPS! :D
Posted by Shen 18th January, 2003

Lol this hasn't even been verified yet :P
Posted by Shen 18th January, 2003

Btw: laptops don't often have numpads so it's a bad idea to use them
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

Ops forgot that
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

BTW witch buttons do you suggest?
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

Or do you want to be able to change the buttons by yourself?
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

I desided that in the next version you will be able to change them. ;)
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

New Version UP! again lol :)
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

New Version UP! again lol :)
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

Now you can change the keys! player1 = up,down,left,right Player2 = up = up+right down = down+left left = up+left right = down+right
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

Yay 24 Downloads!
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 18th January, 2003

Does someone have a suggestion about wath to add next? I could put stationary machineguns and I will make the bazooka shots explode. Oh and the guys will have different HP.
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 19th January, 2003

Sorry guys I wont update it anymore... you just have to wait for the fullversion :( But the fullversion will come up this month or the next ;)
Posted by tox 29th January, 2003

I have played a game just like this called 2d Soldier, Is that where you got the idea from?
Posted by Galaxy613 3rd February, 2003

Daniel[Crazy_Productions]: "Yay 24 Downloads!" Now they're 81
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 23rd February, 2003

yes i got it from there.
Posted by Weston L 11th May, 2003

Why can I only walk up? :(
Posted by Crono 13th July, 2003

Stop spamming the comments section like crazy
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 10th January, 2004

crono im not spamming im just answearing questions;)





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