The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Tigger Red

Tigger Red
Author: 4x4 Submitted: 3rd March, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 252

A platform game!!

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Posted by HOSJ 3rd March, 2003

Very newb-ish... oh well i guess it is a newbs game.. HINGS: Your forces arrive at zzang (17:31), and battle begins quickly... Your troops march onto the battlefield and are quickly driven back, unable to break through! We lost 121 Spearmen, 2 Half-Giants, and 24 War Horses in this battle. Our forces will be again available on July 8th, YR6. We killed about 100 enemy troops. We also imprisoned 100 additional troops in our Dungeons. Oops.. sorry, accidently hit ctrl-v :). That was news from my UTOPIA kingdom... ANYWAYS- HINTS: put more effort into the graphics.. and dont try to make them too fancy. The coins for example. That shading was wierd...and objects should (generally) be smaller. So the coins could just be gold with a few shine marks or something, and oval. Second, try to make the graphics original, like make them seem 'fat' or 'tall', but do it with ALL the objects! Hope this helps. :) - HOSJ
Posted by kreature 3rd March, 2003

I really won't download this due to the almost non-existant description and no screenshot. In my opinion this shouldn't even get through !
Posted by LittleGuy (Ecstasy Studios) 3rd March, 2003

I don't mind the lack of screenshots that much but is it really that hard to write a paragraph of descriprion. If you can't be bothered then I wonder what the game is like.
Posted by kreature 3rd March, 2003

So I bothered to download, lol, but it wasn't really worth the small time. This a one level, coin-collection game where the biggest challenge is to actually bother to play. I know this sounds harsh, and I am aware of that this is from a newbie. So please 4x4, the next time you're going to release a game, please first of all add gameplay. I.E. come with an idea instead of just making the game without really knowing what you're doing. The fact that you actually like the game doesn't mean we'll like it. But you're a young klikker, and you'll probably mature enough in the future so you can consider what's bad and good for yourself. At this very moment I don't think you can. As a conclusion, I can say that I've been really harsh this time, but I really can't find something positive to say. An idea would to maybe wait until you've used more time on the game. 30 minutes isn't enough anymore (yet that may depend on skills, and hyperativity.). Yeah, yeah, however, good luck. And HOSJ, there's a delete button when you 'accidently' hit CTRL+V. You'll find it just over the arrow-keys, besides End and under Insert. :)
Posted by Galaxy613 3rd March, 2003

you took a part of a song from Weird Al..
Posted by Elvn 4th March, 2003

1. "A platfrom game!!" 2. No screenshot. 3. No description. 4. NO DOWNLOAD!
Posted by blueemu (Heretic Emu Studios) 5th March, 2003

5. a sure fire winner
Posted by Elvn 8th March, 2003

o.K I'm back dammit! And I'm gonna download it! heeheehee
Posted by Elvn 14th March, 2003

Played it...BAD!
Posted by Dr. James MD 10th September, 2004

this is just a little *too* bad




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