The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Pling Muncher

Pling Muncher
Author: Phredreeke Submitted: 25th March, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 336

Edited By Phredreeke on 6/14/2003

This will probably be my last or second last game, depending on the feedback it recieves and if my former teammate would allow me to finish our last game.

Pling Muncher takes the concept of Pac-man and expands it. It has six levels with various twists like paths closing(see third screenshot) and arrows pushing you away (see last screenshot). There are two different colors of ghosts and two different powerpills (red and orange).

I wish for you to enjoy the game in these

There's even a small level select, but I leave it for you to find out

Update 14/6: Link changed due to new server.

Review This Download
 (598kb )

Posted by Maddie 25th March, 2003

looks nice but pac man gets really boring quickly!!
Posted by Jason Orme 25th March, 2003

The game is nice, though a tad hard
Posted by Poke & Gravy 25th March, 2003

Not too bad a pacman clone. A little boring, though, simply because it's a pacman clone that's not as good as pacman.
Posted by Phredreeke 5th July, 2004

The game is gone from my old webspace now, if you want it, mail me.





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