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King Deck
Author: Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) Submitted: 11th June, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 383

Edited By Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) on 9/13/2004

King Deck is a fantasy card game for one or two players. The concept is LOOSELY based on the popular Magic: The Gathering card game. Players use creatures and spells to attack the enemy and eventually gather enough resources to win. This game's one of my oldies, and also one of the only games I've made that I've actually bothered to upload. It's made with Klik n Play, but please don't hold that against it. Have a go.

Enjoy. Or not, it won't keep me awake at night

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Posted by Beta 11th June, 2003

thats a weird game man
Posted by Smeggy 11th June, 2003

Its bloody cool, Although you should redo it with mmf or tgf, and perhaps have a trading system and display section so you can see what cards you have and the stats etc..
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 11th June, 2003

Hey... thanks for the feedback. Yeah, I'm actually making another one on TGF as we speak. I don't know how far I'll get, but I'm aiming to have a trading system (thanks to you!) and you can see your cards at all times. You'll be able to see what the spells do, and I'm aiming at making several difficulty levels for the computer opponent, perhaps even one where you cutomize their play tactics. I would appreciate more feedback, good or bad, from anyone who gives this a go.
Posted by - Yelnek - 12th June, 2003

I haven't downloaded it but I like what you said... "I would appreciate more feedback, good or bad, from anyone who gives this a go." I like how you are willing to accept even bad comments;) Good work and I feel like I will download this game right now:D
Posted by yuyu 12th June, 2003

link wont work! (its probably just my dodgy internet)
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 12th June, 2003

You can't just click on the link, because Geocities doesn't allow direct linking. You either have to right click and choose "Save Target As", or copy and paste the code into your browser address bar.
Posted by Smeggy 12th June, 2003

Honestly, this is great - Just needs a little tuning and it will be great! - hey if the trading system is inspired by me, include ME in the credits LOL XD
Posted by Smeggy 12th June, 2003

errrrrr, I meant: "Honestly, this is great - Just needs a little tuning and it will be even better!" sorry lol :P
Posted by Fraz 12th June, 2003

i don't really understand this game.....but its still good :) hope the second one goes well
Posted by Flava 12th June, 2003

I want screenshots - but from the positive comments I have been persuaded to download ;)
Posted by Blackgaze 12th June, 2003

a lot of games dont have screenshots at the mom
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 13th June, 2003

Jon, if I do incorporate that idea, of course you'll be in the credits!
Posted by DannyMcMann 13th June, 2003

This is Pretty Good... a better explanation of the rules could help me really like it :> The *.txt file with it does'nt explain it as good as I'd like... :/.
Posted by Smeggy 13th June, 2003

LOL, thanks antimatter! - my website = - check it out!
Posted by Fraz 13th June, 2003

i didn't understand it at first either , but when u get the idea of how to play it its really good :)
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 17th June, 2003

Hey, thanks! I wasn't expecting too much good feedback on a KnP game that I made quite a time ago! Much appreciated, people!
Posted by Smeggy 18th June, 2003

LOL, it is great!!!!! - oh and anitmatter, thanks for visiting my site ;)
Posted by Katrina 16th March, 2004

The concept for the game and the actual game itself is good but there are a few problems. With the computer it is way too easy to beat it just selects random cards and spells to use. I realize this may be because it's harder to write a AI that decides what ones to use but it would make it a bit more challenging. Another thing is the death element. The opponent has no way of counteracting it or any other type that allows a canceling type of affect for the battle, yet that isn't such a worry. I do have positive things to say about it though! When I heard it was "loosely" based on MTG I originally thought it meant it was very similar with just a hint of difference but I was pleasantly surprised to find it was quite original as far as I have seen. Generally the game place is well laid out but it isn't made clear in the rules at exactly what point a player wins. How many points, territory, gold, cattle and population numbers are needed? Overall though it's a cool game. Kat
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 10th July, 2004

Thanks for the comments, Katrina! The random computer thing sucks, I know. Look out for King Deck 2, I'm planning on having a customizable computer opponent. The death spell issue is one I've been thinking about for a while. If player 1 has a death spell and wants to win the round, nothing can stop them. So, I might include some kind of 'dispel magic' spell for the sequel. The help file should say that once you acquire 10 of any resource, you win. I'm pretty sure I included such a vital piece of information! Cheers.





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