The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Zack Bond 2 Mad Jack's Revenge DEMO

Zack Bond 2: Mad Jack's Revenge DEMO
Author: KlikFactory Submitted: 28th June, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 407

Edited By KlikFactory on 7/1/2003

After destroying the Master Tik, the evil Tik gang has showed no signs of slowing down. It turns out he may not have been the true leader after all! After intelligence discovers a new Tik base, Zack Bond is sent once again to kill all the Tiks in sight- and if possible, assassinate the true Tik leader!

This time Zack's got his trusty Jetpack along with a new gadget- the SONIC BOOSTER! This amazing tool lets Zack SPEED UP SO FAST IT SEEMS EVERYTHING ELSE IS SLOWING DOWN! This makes the gameplay fresh and interesting. Also in this installment you'll find far more different kinds of enemies!

-Classic shoot 'em up style gameplay.
-Use Zack Bond's jetpack to fly through the air.
-Use the Sonic Booster to slow down bullets and enemies.
-Cool trail and sound effects make using the Sonic Booster visually and graphically pleasing.
-Three levels and a boss in demo.

The included content is just the beginning- expect more challenging bosses, levels in different environments, many more kinds of enemies, and so much more!

Tell me what you think of it! DC Mail me!

-The Klik Factory

Visit my website! (copy and paste the address!):


Here's a couple links- one to the .exe file of the game and one to the .cca file. You need both and they must be in the same directory:

And here's the help file:

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (58)
Posted by FusionDogg 30th June, 2003

hmm..bullet time, the new fad of Klikers everywhere!
Posted by Chace 30th June, 2003

"The original Zack Bond received THOUSANDS of downloads on AOL, dozens upon dozens of e-mails of praise, and it even ended up on a games collection CD! Now Zack Bond is back and better than ever!" Wow, he nearly had some people convinced. Rikus, why'd you take away the old comments?
Posted by BobFromPikeCreek 30th June, 2003

This game sucks. Everything is ripped. Either you are lying, or there are THOUSANDS of idiots out there.
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

BobFromPikeCreek says: "The original Zack Bond received THOUSANDS of downloads on AOL, dozens upon dozens of e-mails of praise, and it even ended up on a games collection CD! Now Zack Bond is back and better than ever!" Did the first one bear no relation to this one then? ------------------------------------------------- The first Zack Bond was a simple shoot 'em up platformer with straightforward levels- much like this one. You can download the gold version on my web site. You guys are taking the "thousands" of downloads too seriously- there were about 7,000 last I checked, which is certainly more than most downloads there will get. However it's not a ridiculous amount. It was a straightforward game that did fairly well. The dozens and dozens of letters of praise DID happen, and I still get letters from those who played the CD version. Can't shoot? Not to be sarcastic- but did you try pressing 'ctrl'? And I'd appreciate constructive criticism... not just "This game sucks and I don't know why!" :/ :) -The Klik Factory
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

I added the links to the .exe and .cca file for those of you who can't get it to unzip. It's at the bottom of the download description. If anybody else can't shoot plz say so- that's kind of an odd bug. :/ I'd appreciate it if anybody that CAN shoot and actually play the game could tell me that too. -The Klik Factory
Posted by Keatonian 30th June, 2003

I can't shoot either. And it's a protected cca so I can't go fix the bug. Oh well. When that's fixed I would be happy to play it.
Posted by Smeggy 30th June, 2003

I said this on your site link and I'll say it again here: "Your game aint that good sheesh, you seem to think your game is better than most, it isnt - just look at games like Eternal Daughter and Deadly tournament and realise what I mean dude.. Oh and a tip: 'Klikers' Never boast about their games even if they are good (I learnt that the hard way as will you) Also 'Klik'is not a business but a hobby, unless you sell your games and make them using pro versions of the software you are considered a 'member'- Take notice of these pointers, they could save your life ;)" Oh and I can't fire either, and I've tried both ctrl buttons heh..
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

THE SHOOTING BUG IS FIXED. Basically there was an INI value that is needed to shoot the pistol. I had set it so you could shoot in an earlier version- so it worked fine on my computer. However in the new version I must have deleted the event that set that value. Just re-download and it'll work FINE! NOW people can play it. :) -The Klik Factory
Posted by Smeggy 30th June, 2003

Why bother, its rubbish...
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

Why bother, its rubbish... ----------------------------------------------------- Actually Jon, the game is much better when you can shoot. And I don't think you should critisize a game as being so bad until you've actually tried it. =/ -The Klik Factory
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

READ THIS PLZ! The major issues with the game that would prevent play have been addressed. All comments above THIS one are either made before the game is playable at all, or before you are able to shoot (which makes it virtually unplayable). NOW the game is totally playable, so try it out! -The Klik Factory
Posted by Exero 30th June, 2003

You're a fag, Akira.
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

When did ChrisD bash me Akira??? I remember he made what my current web design. (All I did was change a few colors and add/remove a section or two). I was very thankful for that. At the bottom of my page it says "Web Design by Christopher Davis-Total Klik" with his e-mail and web site link (though the site is gone). Never heard about him not liking me. =/ And I don't see what the problem is Akira- sure my game had a couple bugs but I fixed those within the half a day it has been out. People around here sure seem to be mean lately, but I can't help that. :( Oh yeah, and if you guys don't want to up my download count by re-downloading (as some of you probably don't =/), just use the links in the description to download the .exe and .cca files respectively. All I really want is people to try this game. Your name sounds very very very familiar Akira, but I can't quite place my finger on what I remember you from... -The Klik Factory
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

lol I think I remember where it's from. There was some guy named Akira that was spamming the Command & Conquer Generals forums a while back. Not saying it was the same guy, though. ;) Never heard of Natomic, but I haven't been in the community for a while. I tend to get inspired and make a cool project every few months, then leave until I get inspired again. At leasy nowadays I manage to finish them- in the good ol' days I'd start new stuff all the time and never finish anything. :) -The Klik Factory
Posted by Smeggy 30th June, 2003

Uhhh, well I've played it again this time being able to shoot and I still think it sucks, and I think you are one big bragger! so there! XD
Posted by KlikFactory 30th June, 2003

C'mon at least tell me WHY you didn't like it! Oh and congrats on getting into EGM. :/ -The Klik Factory
Posted by Frank D 1st July, 2003

Posted by Ben 1st July, 2003

sheesh... give the guy a break. If you don't like the game, say so, but also give a reason why. I don't like the idea of posting any of my games so they can be bashed to no end. It would be discouraging and I wouldn't want to work on improvement, as for me, I've almost finished downloading this game and will hopefully give it some decent, constructive critisism if need be.
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 1st July, 2003

Far out, people! I think that the 'boasting' is a matter of pride. I'd talk highly of a game that I was proud of making. I hardly think that it makes Klik Factory an egotist. When you play this game, make comments based upon what it IS... not what it can be, or what you can compare it to. Eternal Daughter, for example, is one of the best Klik games of all time. How can you call something a piece of rubbish just because it doesn't live up to its standards? That would make nearly every other Klik game a piece of rubbish... and that's just not fair. It's always good to critisize someone's game constructively, but just saying that it's crap doesn't do anything for the game's author or the people that may have been interested before reading your comments. You all have the right to dislike the game, sure... but what comes out of insulting the maker? I might download this when I get home (if I remember). I may not like it, but I sure as hell won't say that without telling you why. How can you be expected to improve if we don't tell you what you're doing wrong? PS. Never heard of Natomic? Woah! Peace out.
Posted by KlikFactory 1st July, 2003

There- I deleted the first paragraph since you guys got so flustered by what's not really too many downloads on AOL. It's the equivalent of saying "Over 100 downloads on The Daily Click!" Above average, but not amazing. =/ Thanks for standing up for me Ben and Antimatter :). Man, this demo has been a nightmare. Two bugs that make the game unplayable, people commenting the game before it was playable, and a lot of flames because I was proud that my download did okay on AOl. :( I'll keep working on it though. You guys bashing me has only made me want to try harder. >=) I just incorperated a system to make all the platforms 3D-looking, and am planning more graphics-enhancing effects. Next I think I'll work on making that backround a little less bland. Since all you guys like Natomic so much I guess I'll go see about downloading something from them! :D -The Klik Factory
Posted by Smeggy 1st July, 2003

I Didn't get into EGM, that was Jonathan Smeby, oh and I'm not dissing the author, he is ok, its just the game I hate...sorry...
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st July, 2003

Screw jon hes a fucking idiot.Stop fucking talking shit when people dont do nothing to you.Oh wow big fucking deal this game may not be SO GREAT , but its called CONSTRUCTIVE CRITICISM NOT OH FUCK THE AUTHOR OF THIS GAME CUZ ITS NOT SO REAT AND HE BRAGS ABOUT IT>BIG ASS DEAL MAN.Get a life.
Posted by Smeggy 1st July, 2003

Just improve on the overall Ai, and I'm sorry but the character does look like the character from furries so..
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st July, 2003

you know what jon?Your games aint so great either.Really im serious.
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st July, 2003

Hey Kilckfactory.I like this game.You know why?You actually put effort into it unlike some other people i know.I have a few tips for you.Try working on the engine a little bit.Maybe i could help you out sometime.I really hope to see this game finished.It may not be so great from other people,but its great because it has effort in it.
Posted by Smeggy 1st July, 2003

What? - I know they arent amazing, but that fact is that I don't say they are, oh and please stop swearing this is an all age community after all. - and its up to me if I like a game or not so stop whining and get on with osme of your games..
Posted by Smeggy 1st July, 2003

Yes, Klik-master, take notice of derek, he sounds pretty usefull, perhaps he can help you a little bit..
Posted by Smeggy 1st July, 2003

Did I say Klik-master? LOL- I meant Klik-factory..
Posted by Snowmanman 1st July, 2003

Bah! Whats all this? This game is not bad at all. More entertaining than some! The only things that I don't like are: AI isn't very good. The guys don't look at you when they shoot. Also, I think you should have a lot more variety in the platforms and environments.
Posted by Snowmanman 1st July, 2003

Bah! Whats all this? This game is not bad at all. More entertaining than some! The only things that I don't like are: AI isn't very good. The guys don't look at you when they shoot. Also, I think you should have a lot more variety in the platforms and environments.
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st July, 2003

sorry jon.Heh im like that sometimes.heh
Posted by Smeggy 1st July, 2003

So am I lol, its ok mate, I accept your apology :)
Posted by KlikFactory 1st July, 2003

Jon Smed ley Jon Smeg soft I think you can see my confusion. ;) Glad some people now have tried and like this game. I'm working on a lote of the stuff you guys said already. :D -The Klik Factory
Posted by Smeggy 1st July, 2003

*Smeby* not smedley LOL..
Posted by Jonas (Peasants) 1st July, 2003

This doesn´t even work
Posted by Derek T. Reaves. . . 1st July, 2003

Hey i was wondering Klick Factory where is the boss music from?
Posted by KlikFactory 1st July, 2003

The boss music is from Cool Spot on SNES and is titled "Rave". :) I get most of my music from (video game music archive), although this particular song doesn't seem to be there anymore. I think they only archive the new music every couple months, and only a certain amount, so that must be why. (Newly uploaded non-archived music has it's own section) Jonas- what doesn't work? The zip file won't open? The application won't start? I provided links to the .cca and .exe files because for some reason some people can't extract the .zip file. Weird bug- considering I can extract it with several different programs. =/ -The Klik Factory
Posted by KlikFactory 1st July, 2003

I'm just giving up on this whole Jon Smeglbeywhateversoft stuff. =/ -The Klik Factory
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 1st July, 2003

Hey, this game's ot that bad at all. The only thing I can say has already been said... and that's environment variety and background dullness. Well done, KlikFactory! Can't wait to see the finished version... you've got something there. I've never actually played the first Zack Bond, but I might look for it. - Rick
Posted by Heart Break Kid 1st July, 2003

Posted by Keatonian 2nd July, 2003

You can shoot? YES!! Thank you, I will now commence playing. Hold on....
Posted by Keatonian 2nd July, 2003

Ooooo.... Rather Entertaining. You do need to improve that backround though. It looks like you are in a level made for a game or something! Ahem....
Posted by Frank D 2nd July, 2003

the game is even poorer the gameplay makes me sick! my sister likes it though.
Posted by KlikFactory 2nd July, 2003

Why is it bad Evil Genius? Why does the gameplay make you sick Frank D? Glad some of you like it! Now off to play W3: Frozen Throne! :D -The Klik Factory
Posted by Matt Boothman 2nd July, 2003

This game is not good, but it has the potential to be good. The AI needs to be improved, as does the graphics and the presentation. The gameplay is OK, but having the enemies shoot you all the time is annoying. The boss is rubbish, because all it needs is shooting. Why don't you have it bullet-proof until a certain moment when it does a special move. Hope this helps.
Posted by pr0 2nd July, 2003

runs slow on my 800Mhz. ok game.
Posted by FusionDogg 2nd July, 2003

wow. this is getting really violent. Take a chill pill. But dont brag about yo shizzle cuz in da hood it aint gonna be fun see yo' ass been kicked up good, dawg.
Posted by pr0 2nd July, 2003

shouldn't make it balls, its way to easy that way and it gives the game a bad impression...
Posted by gargle 5th February, 2004

Hey! I remember this game from way back in the day.. i liked the first one cause it was fun and it had an STP song, plush i think as the background music. believe it or not the game got me into STP. i thuoght you quit making games quite a while ago, and i was surprised when i saw this. ill download when i get back from work.. and games dont need to have multiple team members and incredible graphics to be fun. klikking is all about fun so chill out people.
Posted by gargle 5th February, 2004

oh and whoever said the guy looks too much like furry, youre a genius. a main character in a video game is a ball with eyes and you say hes copying someone. ridiculous. 'zack bond' was made way before furry anyway you tard.





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