The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Abandoned ::. Chronowarrior (mini-trailer) (ABANDONED)

Chronowarrior (mini-trailer) (ABANDONED)
Author: Blackgaze Submitted: 22nd July, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Abandoned Downloads: 359

Edited By Spiderhead on 8/7/2003

Edited By Spiderhead on 7/22/2003

Since my game is halted here is a mini-trailer of my game "Chronowarrior".
I kinda rushed this trailer a bit so any mistake i will not know because i was rushing it.
Chronowarrior is a mini-metal slug game where you get power ups and shoot down the enemies.
Like metal slug you do get mobile weapons (not seen in trailer).
This game has nice graphics, and so-so gameplay.
I will say more info when trailer comes.
To download the movie right click the link and save target should download it.
Here are some screenshots. Since these screenshots are JPG's. They will not look 100% like the game (just remember that):

Review This Download (200kb )
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Posted by J.J 23rd July, 2003

Well, im lookin forward to try this ;P
Posted by Blackgaze 23rd July, 2003

still got a bit of work (e.g A.I)
Posted by 23rd July, 2003

the trailr is funny:P
Posted by BrewM 23rd July, 2003

I like the part where he splashes in the water :)
Posted by Blackgaze 23rd July, 2003

trailer might funny but game will be mad
Posted by Joeri Pisart (Bloody Jojo) 23rd July, 2003

Lookd kewl!
Posted by Blackgaze 23rd July, 2003

Kindgom, i have changed the jumping animation now. So it dont look that stupid XD. It be a while
Posted by Rikus 23rd July, 2003

Its a funny one, i also liked the ending, "Coming soon to a daily click near you" :-):-):-):-)
Posted by Blackgaze 23rd July, 2003

yep. It be a while and i heard your quote "and i am getting excited about the upcoming game." calm down dude. But it has very nice gameplay now (lots of damage) but 3 bugs need fixing. 1. dead bodies float over non-platforms 2. When enemied die they dont always play dissapearing animation 3. The same above but with shooting. If any1 can solve these mail me and if it works i oput your name in credits :)
Posted by Buster 23rd July, 2003

Ha ha, the trailer is funny... "You want action?" then it has this little guy wave his arms up and down for 20 seconds before there is some actual action. It looks really cool though!
Posted by Shme (Stupid Liar) 23rd July, 2003

nice trailer......good luck with finishing your game
Posted by Blackgaze 23rd July, 2003

cheers. the odd thing is that more people have put thumbs down although they find it funny. But its only a trailer not a game so i dont care. Buster i know. YOU WANT ACTION? Chrono just stands there and then thinks "Opps i was suppose to go!"
Posted by Death Reaper X 23rd July, 2003

I'm not sure if this happened to anyone else, but is the trailer meant to be slow + without sound? Could just be my comp tho being a tit as always. I really like it so far! The water bit was really funny :D
Posted by Blackgaze 23rd July, 2003

it was made with snagit. snagit has no sound any slow like this. But i believe it can play music. just i dont know how. Its not your computer (could be :) )
Posted by Jenswa 23rd July, 2003

Try finishing the game :D
Posted by Blackgaze 23rd July, 2003

the only game i truelly finish with Demiball, possible the second worst game ever XD. But i never finish games because their is always a major bug i cannot cure. it happens every game and i just hope it doesn't happen to this game
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 23rd July, 2003

I like the nice touch of having the mouse pointer in the trailer.
Posted by Muggus 24th July, 2003

Looks alright...blame the GAS company again!
Posted by Blackgaze 24th July, 2003

i told u i was in a rush so i didn't have to time to sort that out
Posted by Jason Orme 24th July, 2003

Whoo, Looks nice, carnt wait to play
Posted by Blackgaze 24th July, 2003

no beta. just full version this time
Posted by Null 24th July, 2003

Snagit does have sound. The Legend of the Time Star promo video had sound. Anyway. Looks like the game needs more action and gore and perhaps a mega hero. Other then that it looks nice. Yanno. For a ::Runs::
Posted by Blackgaze 24th July, 2003

it does. Circy (at the moment) is the only person who has played it. It has quite a bit of gore and action. The meag hero thing was a joke. I might need to study Snagit more for erm... oh im needed in the basement... ::Runs off into the distance as well::
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 24th July, 2003

In my opinion, this looks like it will be better than your Spiderhead game, I think you should spend time on this, it looks very promising.
Posted by Bryan Rodriguez 24th July, 2003

I think....the game is...."promising.." but it does lack a couple things. I wont try and list because I dont think the daily click is able to handle the size of it, but I will say that the jumping animation turns the main character into an ugly X shaped elf and ... and He is only mega because he can jump in and out of water...amoung many other things...Im completely lost with this someone please give me a this it? Does this..."chrono" warrior have anyhting to do with time? Do the people in that world have human joints?...Drop me a clue when I find my brain. I think I dropped it in the giant black hole you call a trailer.
Posted by yuyu 25th July, 2003

Hey man its overcritical people like you that really piss me off! Spiderhead isnt being payed to make this game! He just wants to give other people something to look forward to and enjoy. So I dont think you have the right to pay this game out at all. They should also get rid of the thumbs down option and turn that part of the site into a Recommend button! Anyway good luck with the game spiderhead.
Posted by Blackgaze 25th July, 2003

1. i have changed the jumping animaton now 2. that mega hero tbhing in the trailer is a joke. 3. Chrono i just picked up from my head. I more likely got it from that squaresoft game. Thanks yuyu but about the thumbs down on this i dont care. Its because i rushed this trailer and the cursor comes on, no music example
Posted by Null 25th July, 2003

....Chrono means time , though
Posted by Blackgaze 25th July, 2003

hmm... that changes my plan. My game is called Timewarrior and it has nothing to do with Time? what do i do now!!!
Posted by Blackgaze 25th July, 2003

dude what the hell is your problem? are u so kind of moren. Your quote "Wow....That....wasent even a game!" IT SAYS TRAILER ON THE DOWNLOAD NAME DUHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH. Admin sort this out
Posted by Blackgaze 25th July, 2003

You havn't even played the game yet so how can you say its bad (the game not trailer). The only person who has played it yet is Circy
Posted by ChrisB 25th July, 2003

HAh! Ur MOMMA sleps with a HAMPSTER!!11 Your profile says it all, really. Age: -16.. though that seems too mature for you :P
Posted by The Chris Street 25th July, 2003

I've deleted that assclown folks :D I have played it yes, and I think its pretty promising. Uses a standard platform movement, but the gameplay is really nice. One to watch :)
Posted by Gandhi 29th July, 2003

I saw the trailer and liked it, looking forward to the game. :)
Posted by gareth 2nd August, 2003

yes looks kool, whats the story of the game?? i guess it envolves time travel?? and i love the way the water splashes out, looks kool
Posted by Blackgaze 3rd August, 2003

i have learned things from making Spiderhead. as hyper said the charater is called "Chrono" and he is a warrior, so Chronowarrior. P.s i also know Chrono is the name of a charater in "Chronotrigger" so don't point that out. and I found that a bit later after i got the game (on emulation)
Posted by Crash Override 3rd August, 2003

Can I just add that this project looks really good. I've been on this site a month or so now and have read several of "Chris Branch"'s [what might be loosely described as] comments. From what Ive seen; Mr [Daft as a] Branch does little more than flame other users on the basis of whether they do better job than he can. It is my humble opinion that he should be kicked off this site ASAP.
Posted by Blackgaze 3rd August, 2003

thanks. oh and a bug is on level 3 (TGF bug) what happens is on a certain part of the map a explosion creates and pastes in background which i have no code/command for.





Worth A Click