The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Retro ::. Terra Cognita

Terra Cognita
Author: Andy H Submitted: 13th August, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Retro Downloads: 218

The game is shown on plan view with the landscape scrolling down or from third person. You play thre role of the Mining Engineers, escapeing in their small scout ship. You have to make your way over 100 screens of tortuous terrain to the mothership waiting at the end.

Fly over the terrain passing over "tiles" that active to add extra fuel - speed you up - slow you down. Avoid the "time slips" that return you right back to screen 1 !!!!

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Posted by The Chris Street 15th August, 2003

I've heard of this game name before. It was a Net Yaroze game, and was a Japanese RPG. Sucked too!
Posted by Blackgaze 15th August, 2003

was this made by an non-click program?
Posted by CYS 15th August, 2003

It's made by Jamagic...i think.
Posted by StuC 15th August, 2003

Its programmed using clickteams JAMagic. The game was first released way back in the 80s' this is a 3D revamped version - NOT AN RPG !
Posted by J.J 15th August, 2003

Posted by Andy H 15th August, 2003

LOL! Yes, not an RPG - I'd have thought the screenshots might give that away. Its originally a Codemasters game from the 80's. It's quite a challenge, but the key is learning the map and using the power up tiles to your advantage.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 15th August, 2003

Hey Circy, I remember that Net Yaroze RPG, with the shocking English translation. It was good for comedy. Anyways, this looks nice, I'm downloading now.
Posted by Jason Darby 16th August, 2003

Looks nice, and you know that when its something andy did then its going to be good :o)
Posted by renneF 16th August, 2003

I remember that old net yaroze game, terra incognita it was pretty bad.. dunno if this is any thing to do with it it, il dl it now
Posted by Andy H 17th August, 2003

Nothing at all, but this game is terra cognita (no in) ;)
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 17th August, 2003

Circy, I've played that shitty game too. Though, I believe it was called "Terra Incognita", not "Terra Cognita".
Posted by Metal Maiden 19th August, 2003

This game is pretty cool. It looks nice and it's easy to play. I got pretty far until I got sent to the begining. Ah screw that bitch! This is definately one of those games you'l play every so often to pass time when you're bored. Not bad at all!
Posted by Andy H 31st August, 2003

Yes the time warp is a right nasty tile! Tip - sometimes it is easier to spend a life and crash to get past a nastily placed time warp tile ;)
Posted by Jamesbuc 21st July, 2004

I liked the yaroze game!





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