The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Fox Hunter

Fox Hunter
Author: Paul FitzGerald Submitted: 27th August, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 362

Edited By Paul FitzGerald on 10/9/2003

Edited By Paul FitzGerald on 10/9/2003

Edited By Paul FitzGerald on 9/11/2003

Edited By Paul FitzGerald on 8/28/2003

Fun beginner game. first game made by me. you play a fox on a mission to kill the other fox. good storyline. additive.
on- land, air and sea. includes high speed races.
Coming soon: Fox Hunter 2 & Space Attack

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Posted by Death Reaper X 27th August, 2003

Lol when I read the title I thought it was going to mean, and that you'd be a man hunting a fox (how cruel) but luckily not :) For your next game there's a couple things you might want to change. When firing bullets you need to set values so the player will only fire left and right, rather than in every direction (ie down when you fall). It's pretty hard to actually kill anything in fox hunter because of this, so I ended up just jumping through everything instead. Most of the frames are OK when you start off out of reach, but then you suddenly are in a frame where you don't know where to hide, and you get shot at. You need a little time to think at the beginning of each level (like you'd done in the rest). I confess I only played up to the 1st boss and got a bit muddled with what I was meant to be doing and died quite quickly so I can't comment much more. But then of course is the use of library graphics...nono. Never. Don't do it. But at least you drew the characters yourself :) Keep at it!
Posted by ACE_Spark 27th August, 2003 ^ That might be able to help you Paul with the shooting problem. And yes, libary graphics are a no no.
Posted by ACE_Spark 27th August, 2003

How on Earth do you kill that boss? O.o
Posted by Mark 27th August, 2003

I was ready to flame that title:p I'd consider changing it
Posted by eyeangle 28th August, 2003

Don't change it, it's cool!
Posted by Paul FitzGerald 28th August, 2003

Hey guys, i am grateful for the link ace, u r a champ! u can kill the boss by climbing up the web all around it and simply firing at it from the front. lives are everlasting in this boss so as u collide with it, it won't disappear. ur a champ ace! whats wrong with da name? if ya can think of a better 1 tell me Mark!
Posted by Red Crystal 28th August, 2003

Ummm OK... how the HELL do you kill Fox Tank! That guy is invincible I'm sure of it...
Posted by Pete Nattress 28th August, 2003

well, it's better than my first game ;). the most annoying thing is how the bullet fires in the wrong direction. what you need to do is have + User presses Left - Set flag 1 on + User presses right - Set flag 1 off + User presses fire + Flag 1 is on - Shoot bullet in direction <- + User presses fire + Flag 1 is off - Shoot bullet in direction -> it's an encouraging first attempt. keep up the good work.
Posted by freudianslippers 28th August, 2003

Was sad to see it didn't feature chinless aristocrats chasing a large orange dog to its death though. Any chance of an Ernest Hemmingway-themed platform beat em up set in the afternoon?
Posted by ACE_Spark 29th August, 2003

Pete Nattress, i'd already posted a how-to for him.
Posted by Zap{Zapdude Productions} 29th August, 2003

nice to see nobody's complaining bout the geocities server for once...
Posted by Pete Nattress 29th August, 2003

sorry ace, didnt see :P.
Posted by Paul FitzGerald 29th August, 2003

hey guys, freudianslippers, u scare me with ur interlect.... the was to destroy the tank boss is to jump up the boxes at the start and get the health. every 30 secs he shoot out little lasers that you must jump over, otherwise he takes off 15 lifes. keep shooting him with rockets and stand about a cm from the left edge of the screen. with some luck he will be dead in no time... it gets better after that boss so keep trying.
Posted by Paul FitzGerald 11th September, 2003

visit my site, its cool.
Posted by Paul FitzGerald 3rd October, 2003

PS my site is





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