The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Sphere Organizations (Project Canceled!)

Sphere Organizations (Project Canceled!)
Author: Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) Submitted: 15th September, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 337

Edited By Jirru on 11/14/2003

Edited By ShadowCaster on 9/15/2003

Of course engine tests shouldn't be here, but I wanted everyone to give me ideas on this game. Anyway, I did not rip anything except the musics and sounds. Which is what almost none of the klikers could make. The Screen shots should work, if not try clicking on it and see, if not again then copy the url and pasting it onto your address bar. By the way, I'm a big fan of Scott's games, so this is made from the inspirations of Scott's RPG games. Of course most of the inspirations came from Legacy of Flan. There's a magic system but I don't know how to use the system, like how would the magic be attacking. Help is appreciated. This is a public engine test just to let you guys know that I'm making a game called Sphere Organizations. This time, I'm going to see if you guys got any ideas for me, people kept on complaining about my games that I should let people test it and give suggestions. So this time, I'm going to let people see what my current project is.

I'm canceling this project! Here's some cheating you guys can do! change the pak file into a ini file and edit it however you want! You'll change into a strong sphere walking around in the world!

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Posted by bladeboy 16th September, 2003

I donīt know. previews without screenshots, people adding there engines? couldnt you have made a board post where people could post there comments?
Posted by haloboycs 16th September, 2003

Looks great, like the way to finish talk with space bar... umm how the heck do you kill that first sphere that hit 38 dmg that I only have 18 hp?
Posted by haloboycs 16th September, 2003

oh god lol, never able to kill single sphear, highest dmg i have seen was 48 from them, maybe you should increase hero hp or limit their dmg hit?
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 16th September, 2003

Oh, hmm... When I tested it myself I was never killed in my first battle. Oh and the damages and other stuff like it, I am using the random method so its pretty obvious to get killed easily. Only 5% of the time you'll get killed in one go. I'm making good use of that method. And if you want a stronger sphere, try and create as many as possible to see which sphere is stronger and play that one. There's only one enemy right now... If you guys have any ideas on how I could make more enemies then suggestions is appreciated. Oh, why should I put this in forums? People look at the downloads first rather then searching in the forums don't you think? And if there are no updates in the forums, your post might get deleted. And you could post comments here too.
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 16th September, 2003

Let's see, I've added three screenshots when I distributed this thing...Where are they anyway?
Posted by Xhunterko 18th September, 2003

Well, maybe i'm just unlucky or very lucky. Cause for the first five times i tried it, i died. I could say a couple things about this need improvement. At the first couple times, i couldn't even attack. Very bugy, hope system 2 is better. Oh yeah, there was something on the tgf file that said protected content. And, what's whith that pack file? Other then that, good effort.
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 5th October, 2003

eh? Protected content? the pack file is just some data that was used to build the ingame maps. Anyway, it's encrypted so it's useless to try and hack it.
Posted by Isvaffel 1st November, 2003

Jirru! If ye need a midi-composer, then i could be a one! Contact:
Posted by Jirru (Fake "0" Productions) 14th November, 2003

Sorry, well...I really needed some good sprites, and midis...well... Midis aren't that important in the games but they are well...great to listen to! Thanks for the offer! I'm sorry! but I had to cancel this game! Thanks for all your comments!
Posted by Mr Icekirby 7th February, 2004

that sucks. not the thing, the non-good music





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