The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Sport ::. Sunday League

Sunday League
Author: Mkingy Submitted: 20th September, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Sport Downloads: 257

Edited By mkingy on 10/12/2003

Edited By mkingy on 10/12/2003

Edited By mkingy on 10/12/2003

Edited By mkingy on 9/24/2003

This game is a soccer (football to some people) game. It features a two player match against each other and one against A.I. This is my first game so don't expect too much from me. Sequal to come soon though with more teams and a tournament option.


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Posted by Pkeod 20th September, 2003

Get a free account at - so you can have more mirrors for your downloads...
Posted by Pkeod 20th September, 2003

file is corrupt for me
Posted by Smeggy 20th September, 2003

its league not leauge..
Posted by istvan 20th September, 2003

currupt for me aswell
Posted by Blackgaze 21st September, 2003

Jon and his wonderful English lessons.
Posted by Gongashplei 21st September, 2003

Jon, your elipses (the dot dot dot.) are incomplete... two dots are not acceptable in proper english.
Posted by Gongashplei 21st September, 2003

...and you missed an apostrope and capital letter. :)
Posted by ben_02 21st September, 2003

Games/previews/articles should not be accepted if they have a spelling mistake in the title. Of all fucking things to spellcheck, you should at least check that!
Posted by renneF 21st September, 2003

Whats an apostrope? Some new brand of toothpaste?
Posted by Daniel[Crazy_Productions] 21st September, 2003

ben_02 i dont agre with you but i think that the admins should at least correct the miss-spelled words when they accept it;)
Posted by Knudde (Shab) 21st September, 2003

Nice, umm, part of a zip file i guess....might want to fix your download..
Posted by haloboycs 21st September, 2003

Corrupt for me.
Posted by Red Crystal 21st September, 2003

By the way, it's not just 'us English', there may be Scots on TDC as well, it should be 'us British'.
Posted by Red Crystal 21st September, 2003

Oh, and some Welsh members also
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 22nd September, 2003

I never understood the US and others calling out Football, Soccer, and their pussy version of Rugby, Football. Like who's game has the most foot to ball contact? Not that I'm trying to defend Football as a good game, cos I hate it.
Posted by Mkingy 24th September, 2003

i've edited it now so it should be alright, hopefully. Sorry everyone, i wasn't thinking straight.





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