The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Tutorial ::. -NzR-'s Tutorial Pack 1.1

-NzR-'s Tutorial Pack 1.1
Author: >NzR< Submitted: 14th October, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Tutorial Downloads: 777

Edited By -NZR- on 10/16/2003

No screenshots, 'cuz i think thats not neccesery..

This tutorial pack is also for newbies and contains a couple of basic knowledge..
This is for MMF..
It contains 8 different tutorials:

-Flamethrower tut
-Mini map tut
-car a.i. tut
-effect tut
-snowing tut
-spring tut
-snake game tut
-wrapping tut

If you are more experiensed, you don't need this, but you can always download!

Review This Download (232kb )
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Posted by Red Crystal 15th October, 2003

Hmm I don't see why this is mainly recommended for Newbies, it has shown me (of average ability with Clickteam products) some new 'perspectives' and techniques for various elements of coding, eg. Flamethrower. Good work! And... I'm on 56k :( BUT the download stayed at a consistent 6-7 kb/s so that's also quite good :D
Posted by Rbentl 15th October, 2003

This was helpful. Thanks! I'd like to see more tutorials on this site.
Posted by Rick (AntiMatter Entertainment) 15th October, 2003

Is it for MMF or TGF?
Posted by Deathbringer 16th October, 2003

A 56k user complaining about the size of a 232k file? what the fuck has happened to the world?
Posted by >NzR< 16th October, 2003

Sorry, it's for MMF Only.. I'll add it on the description..
Posted by >NzR< 16th October, 2003

If you like my tutorials, just say and i'll make more of these packs! ;)
Posted by Jonas (Peasants) 16th October, 2003

hmm...very good...except for one thing: everyone can allready do everything that this tutorial has to show. Sorry man..
Posted by >NzR< 16th October, 2003

Not everyone.. Th@ts why i said this is for n00bz! You should read the description..
Posted by >NzR< 16th October, 2003

Oh, BTW. Remember 2 download the first tutorial pack! :)
Posted by renneF 16th October, 2003

not bad :)
Posted by - Yelnek - 17th October, 2003

Awwwwwman.. I wish it was for TGF :(
Posted by AfterStar 20th October, 2003

Excellent! -NZR- I hunger for MORE! ;) hehe! Can you do few examples about AI coding! Now i'm gonna ask something hard: Can you make a tutorial based on Strategy games! What i mean:Mouse clicks Unit1=>Unit1 Respond and is selected +and+ while pressing SHIFT button and mouse clicks on Unit2=>Unit2 Respond and both UNIT1 and UNIT2 are selected! U1 and U2 selected and user clicks on the ground make U1 n U2 move towards! If you can do that WOULD BE AWESOME!I always wanted to make my own RTS game but too difficult and ARMY in the way i don;t have much time to study on this!
Posted by >NzR< 21st October, 2003

Ppl plz! Gimme some txt why you gave me Not Hot's.. So i could maybe do something to it! ;)
Posted by >NzR< 21st October, 2003

And AfterStar.. Maybe you should ask th@ from the boards! You should get more advanced helping! ;)
Posted by Karnage [Ragnarok Games] 5th November, 2003

Can you please make this for TGF? It'll be a month before i can afford mmf, and my mmf demo's expired.
Posted by Karnage [Ragnarok Games] 5th November, 2003

Good job man! I opened it in the demo of mmf (for some reason it still opened) and saw your awesome stuff. I'm porting a couple of these techniques into my tgf tutorial (Don't worry, i'll give you credit).
Posted by Mr Icekirby 30th January, 2004

yeah the demo lasted for 2 mothes saying you need to buy this program... lol... it is dead now though too bad
Posted by Coop 23rd August, 2004

I thought it was great, you should do another :)





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