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Scarab 2 (full version!)
Author: Therapist16 Submitted: 17th October, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 178

This is the full version of scarab 2.

Scarab 2 is an action game set in future egypt, seen from an overview straight on angle! You can choose between 3 different robots based on old Egyptian Gods, which each has their own attributes and weapons. There are also alot of powerups and many levels to choose from. And then you can battle it out either aginst the computer and follow a storyline, or you can play against your mates.

If you think this is deja vouz, youre right. ive posted this download before, but that was an incomplete version with bugs and all. now its finished so please download and tell me what you think!
it was actually made a long time ago with GTF. And if youre wondering, yes this was based on the pc classic.

PS A game not by me.

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Posted by Gaspy Conana 17th October, 2003

Can't beat Mission #2, any speical strategy or something? Why are there pictures of hotels and buildings everywhere? PS- did someone make this game when they were a newb?
Posted by Therapist16 17th October, 2003

Well you know you have to walk up to the computers to turn them on(a red dot shows) right? well the guy only spawns 2 times or something, so just try to take your time and its wise to keep a dinstance and shoot some then dodge before he can shoot back. Basically u have to act like a coward! HAHA I think the pics youre talking about are supposed to represent the civilization or something. Actuallly my older brother made this. its been a while though but he had SOME experience when he made this. Hes planning on making another one but much more heavy, better gfx, story, features, maybe even online tournement stuff. A total revamp! But thats still just speculating... Good luck and enjoy the rest of the game. Dont hesitate to give some more feedback of the game....
Posted by Gaspy Conana 17th October, 2003

ok thanks d00d
Posted by Therapist16 19th October, 2003

Why is it allways that people refuse to comment on the games i post(not that there have been that many)... just a little feedback, nomatter if its negative... thanks
Posted by Killerjedi 20th October, 2003

I guess people are assholes. Probably I am too... Well, anyhow, I played this game. To be honest, it sucked, but I can see somebody put effort into it, so yeah... It was crap. Maybe a total revamp would give this game a bit of justice to the intent the creator obviously had. Sorry that my feedback had to be negative, by the way.
Posted by Therapist16 20th October, 2003

no thats great. negative feedback is basically what you need to get better. yah a revamp is definetivly what it needs, but at least its completed. which is pretty rare for my brother(and this games was made along time ago). thanks killerjedi. maybe i should post some of the games that 'I' have made for once... was there anyhting good about the game then? the story or challenge...anyhting...
Posted by David Niemeyer 21st October, 2003

Pretty good story wise, the objectives in the levels were sometimes confusing. It would have been nice to have them listed. I liked the variety of powerups and gamplay. The robot gaurds were semi intelegent too, which is nice. Nice Job on some of the graphics and visual effects: ie the rockets taking off in the first level. I had a hard time distinguishing the walls from the floors due to their similarities in color. All in all it wasn't a complete waste of time on your brothers part. It had some things going for it, but it could have used some work. Make a game where you can see the floor next time! :P
Posted by Therapist16 23rd October, 2003

Ok, im the creator of SCARAB... I made it when i was 15 OK!!! But i forgive you guys, after all you were just beeing honest... But just wait for my newest and highly addictive game, Jack P.Blank, its a shoot em up game with a cool bullet time element in it!!! (HA)
Posted by Therapist16 28th October, 2003

That was my brother who just posted. im sorry for the confusion





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