The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Arcade ::. Caveworm

Author: RyGuyX Submitted: 15th December, 2003 Favourites:0
Genre: Arcade Downloads: 262

Edited By RyGuyX on 10/1/2004

It's me again, the maker of Bunny Shooter, I have many games, all of which can be found on my site, but unlike my friend Jay Whitehead, I will not be submitting them all at once and flooding you all with things to try. You probably have better things to do, anyway. And if you don't, you should get some. Anyway, here's the description...


Before the cell phone helicopter game... before I knew of any simple java games of this... before I ever saw anything else like it... I saw an attempt at this game by a person known only as Demolition. His game contained no real images... I believe it was a blue line, some blue background, and brown rectangles of varying sizes. But it was fun. And I wanted to make something fun and simple

This, ladies and gentlemen, is Caveworm.

I'm sure most of you have played this game in one form or another. If not: you're a worm who's flying through an underground passage and crashing in to things kills you. Most times it's just one super long increasingly harder cave and the only objective is points.

Contrary to the story of the flooding cave, I made up a different one in about 5 minutes to explain why you're rushing through the caves. Also, I included a boss, 5 levels, all of which are actually humanly passable, and an automatic saving feature.

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Posted by Ashman 15th December, 2003

Wicked Buzz!
Posted by Nuutti 16th December, 2003

Posted by Tom 16th December, 2003

hehe I like this :) Ryan, weren't you going to make a sequel with 3D gfx?
Posted by SoftWarewolf 16th December, 2003

kinda cool.. anyoing took some time before i figured out u had to hold mouse button to make it go up.. thats the kinda stuff u should write somewhere
Posted by Cazra 16th December, 2003

There should be a how to play thing on the title menu. Not everyone thinks to read the readme file. Good game though even though it didn't last long before I beat it.
Posted by RyGuyX 16th December, 2003

hey cool, I made the front page. I woulda thought I'd have to wait till I released Deserted to get that. Anyway, yah, tom, I was... but well... I dunno... I forgot about it. From now on I'll make instructions in the game instead of having you all press f1 to get to them.
Posted by Spram 16th December, 2003

The cave graphics remind me of the cave level in my original Furballs game (taken down due to space issues).
Posted by cake 17th December, 2003

Haha this game is fun. Cool idea. It took me a while to figure out what to do, I kept trying the keyboard :$
Posted by DarkBlue Productions 17th December, 2003

This is good!
Posted by Va1entine 17th December, 2003

nice idea, but i'm giveing it a hands down, you need instructions, took me 3 goes just to work out i had to use the mouse! it also takes age's when you die to restart! next time make the first couple of levels easyer! let the people enjoy your game before you put them in the deep end!!! i couldn't get into it!! still nice idea, graphics cool too!
Posted by RyGuyX 17th December, 2003

why does nobody think to press f1?
Posted by Airflow 18th December, 2003

Nice graphics.Game Idea done already on a game for those Palm pocket PC things. Game wasn't as difficult as I thought it would be. Took about 10 min to get to the final level- Where It got Impossible! :p How do you beat a thing that goes as fast as u do, has more health and has better steering!?:p:p:p:p:p Still worth a thumbs up though.(*g)(*g)(*g)(*g)(*w) {smilebig}
Posted by RyGuyX 18th December, 2003

Thanks skinny -I made this before I knew about any Palm Pocket PC games or cellphone games like this -Some people have trouble with the final boss and I don't know why. Others find him easy.
Posted by Va1entine 18th December, 2003

mate i can get to level 3 currently, dude your gonna have to sort this out!!!! its fustratingly p***ing me off!!!! about 9 times out of 10 when i start a game , my worm dies!!! i can't see him? why don't you start the missions with the worm in the middle??? sorry to be abother nice idea!!!
Posted by RyGuyX 18th December, 2003

i've never heard of that happening before; sorry mark.
Posted by xXAaronXx 18th December, 2003

Games fine, except that the game will lag just the smallest bit at one point and you can end up losin control of your worm and dyin. I think its when the music restarts.
Posted by M Willich 19th December, 2003

A very well finished game, insidiously addictive-as I spent lotsa time starting over. I agree with Mark about the difficulty--old farts like me and little kids need speed settings or at least extra lives.
Posted by RyGuyX 19th December, 2003

Aaron - I know about that and it has me utterly baffled as to why that happens. And yes, I agree, it does need difficulty settings. However here it is, in all it's splendor and failure.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 19th December, 2003

I played this game when it first came out on the site. Its so cool! Its so origanal! But I did get frusterated (curse my spelling :P) a few times. It took me a while to understand the controls. Its really fun, though. :D
Posted by 20th December, 2003

Looks cool but I can't play it from this PC
Posted by Dreamsurfer 22nd December, 2003

I'm the cavemaster!!! I'm the CAVEMASTEEEEERRRR!!!! *splat*! Love this game! :D
Posted by Va1entine 23rd December, 2003

hay dude its your old pal mdklowe!!!! man i was so frustrated with level 3 that i gave up, started playing 10 minutes ago, i must have been in the zone!!! completed level 3 then level 4 in 3 goes, and got to the boss, judgeing by the amount of people saying the boss is too hard i gotta a little scaryed think here we go another near impossible level, but i found the last boss fun!!! i completed it on my 3 go!!! HERES A TIP PEOPLE: just keep going round the big rock, too easy!!!!! i actully gave your game a thumps down but i'd strongly like to change my comment!!!! THIS GAME SHOULD HAVE AT LEAST 92% percent hands up!!!!! the only real problem i found that some of the levels are abit too hard!! maybe have a couple of levels that are really easy to keep people into the game!!!! create game, well i'm of to a party the worms promised me when i found the dimend!!! lol i like the 3 line ending simple but effective!!!! so cave worm 2 in the pipe line? please make a few easyer levels!!!!! at least the first couple!!!!! score boad was doing my head in, get ride of it!!!! lol.... my fav bit was the end boss, u should have more boss's in the sequal loved that bit, just for the fact you have the freedom to move arround the area!!!! ps: how do you do them save files where when you complete a level it'll save the file so you can reply level 4 say when ever you want??? overall well done!!!!! best game on daily click i've seen!!! cheers mdklowe
Posted by RyGuyX 23rd December, 2003

thanks alot mark :) the saving is done with INI files. Upon completing a level it compares the value of the INI file and if it's lower than the level number the INI is set to that level number. At the level select screen there are events such as if the INI value is greater or equal to the level number, display the text. As for caveworm 2 - I'm not actively working on that right now but I have 3d rendered graphics and the movement system done for it, saved in a cca file somewhere.
Posted by NoT 30th December, 2003

This game rox! :D
Posted by Strife 17th January, 2004

A nice little arcade game. Well done. ;) You used Noteworthy Composer to make the music in Caveworm. I know this because the Title Screen/Level Select musics have a familiar beat to them... :)
Posted by Strife 17th January, 2004

By the way, I figured out an easy way to beat the Boss worm: When the level begins, go straight down to the giant rock. See the medium-sized rock to the right of it? Set up your worm so that it runs circles around the medium-sized rock. The boss worm will keep slamming into the rock, and eventually he will die. Easy peezy. ;)






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