The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. iPublish

Author: gizmo Submitted: 1st January, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 357

Edited By gizmostripe on 1/1/2004

Edited By gizmostripe on 1/1/2004

It's finally here, my first completed click project, and boy was it a big one

Key Features
* Opens 20+ Of the most commonly used web languages.

* Ability to add more as they come out.

* Websafe Colour Swatch

* Keyboard Macros pressing ctrl+number will insert the macro of your choice. This is also coloured automatically.

* Interface can be made visible/invisible. Have it as a "dreamweaver" look with toolbars et al. OR remove them all to opt for a notepad-style interface.

* Auto complete :: Type the beginning of common html tags for them to be created for you complete with attributes.

* Quicktags :: Fast access to the most used HTML tags there are.

* Quick CSS :: Every valid CSS 2.0 Tag in the world no more than 3 clicks away.

* Highlights ASP and PHP tags.

* Code tabbing.

* Fully pluginnable interface :: Already has 3 plugins striaght out of the download

* Adaptive toolbaring :: Open a html document, and the html toolbar will open. Open an asp document and an asp toolbar it'll switch too (Note: Demo has only 1 toolbar. Expect more to be added) all assignable. Again a new level of customisation :: Make your own toolbar! and assign it an extension. So when your custom file is opened. It selects the toolbar!

* Find and replace. With quick timesavers as replace all.

* Custom stylizing of the toolbar :: Toolbar dosent match windows 98/Me? Change it!

* A brand new sidebar which allows you to manage projects, insert tags and attributes and check for updates.

* A first run wizard that will get you started quickly.

Thanks and kudos goes out to the testers, help out programmers, designers and extension developers for making this possible. Your names are in the about box

Known issue: The undo/redo is screwed cos of the way rich edit handles them, but it isnt much of a problem.

Extra Note: The splash screen that says "loading" isnt fake, it does load iPublish (Check your HD light )

Theres a zip version available too for people who dislike setups

ZIP Version:

EXE Version is the DC download link.

Review This Download

 (2.27mb )

Posted by Pete Nattress 1st January, 2004

wayhey! absoloutly positively brilliant stuff. excrutiatingly clever. worthy of a front page spot methinks ;)
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 1st January, 2004

Amazing! Great work!
Posted by Yuhkaz 1st January, 2004

Holy snizzle monkeys!!
Posted by Smeggy 1st January, 2004

Good work dude!
Posted by Crystal Clear (H.E.S) 1st January, 2004

i Gotta download this, looks and sounds great!
Posted by 醤油の兵士 1st January, 2004

what happened to line numbering, my list maker, and dynamic toolbars? why can't the first run wizard run alongside iPublish? because that just wastes time :'(
Posted by CYS 2nd January, 2004

This is amazingly great!
Posted by Lupo 2nd January, 2004

Posted by Pixalatio 2nd January, 2004

bout damn time! (well done)
Posted by Crystal Clear (H.E.S) 2nd January, 2004

Woah, great work!. this is one of the best HTML makers made in click ive ever seen.
Posted by Sage 2nd January, 2004

Wow. This is the best HTML editor I hath ever lay my gressy hands upon! This is such a grandé treasure! I used to use a program called HTMLpad and I thought it was good, because it was simple, yet had HTML support for functions and making HTML coding esier, but now this program is so much better! I never knew IMSI Multimedia Fusion was capable of making such "professional" applications! This has shed a new light on MMF for me, and is a great inspiration that I shall cherish for the rest of my life. Thank you!
Posted by yuyu 2nd January, 2004

your right! this is the most proffesionally done click program ever I hav ever seen.
Posted by Smeggy 2nd January, 2004

This is honestly amazing, you should create and sell a professional version ;)
Posted by Nuutti 2nd January, 2004

uhhh-ohhh. cant find globalfunction.COX and CTRLX.cox
Posted by Arf :: FPP Games 2nd January, 2004

Hmmm, it causes a fatal exception just after the loading screen. Rather annoying, because this looks very useful!
Posted by Kris 2nd January, 2004

very good as expected :D the colour coding screws up a lot though, and its quite slow sometimes, but otherwise it's really handy
Posted by Jack Galilee 2nd January, 2004

Posted by Tina Petersen 2nd January, 2004

Very nice! but grid support is bad. Doesnt applicate with opera
Posted by Robert100chat 2nd January, 2004

Sounds good but does it turn a word-like document to html code (like front page, by typing/making the website and the html being created due to what u have done)
Posted by 醤油の兵士 2nd January, 2004

of course it isn't a WYSIWYG editor for HTML, i'm the only one who knows how to do that ;) i still prefer TH+, but this is better than HTML Forge.
Posted by Lew 2nd January, 2004

Sick as f**k
Posted by 2nd January, 2004

Who uses wysiwyg *yuck*... Amazing...
Posted by 2nd January, 2004

Hmm... it doesn't regonize  
Posted by Mikliz 2nd January, 2004

nice, but runs slow, and its not my pc: Windows XP Home,1300MHz,40GB Hard Drive, DirectX 9.0, Intel Celeron and more...
Posted by MasterM 2nd January, 2004

i have to agree. this program looks really professional. Are you going to sell a PRO version of it later?
Posted by Mikliz 2nd January, 2004

256MB RAM...
Posted by Jatzek(DreamEvil Corp) 2nd January, 2004

Does it have colors? Can the program use other colors, for or or for links?
Posted by Kris 2nd January, 2004

" i'm the only one who knows how to do that" says who? there are about 50,000 users on this site
Posted by RapidFlash 2nd January, 2004

Most professional klik-made product ever. There's even a splash screen (which is almost never seen in klik).
Posted by Beejay Urzo 3rd January, 2004

Hey Mikliz, youre running celeron... very slow proccessor even though it's 1.3 ghz
Posted by gizmo 3rd January, 2004

In respone to the fatal exception: This has been thoroughly tested over a broad spectrum of PC's but i cant guarantee perfection :( im terribly sorry this has happened and i hope to resolve this in a patch. Amnesia: The list maker has been excellent, sooooo good that i moved it into a permanent fixture :) (Click list on the toolbar) ;) dynamic toolbars are still in, but with only 1 toolbar at the moment its pretty pointless :P Colour coding is an annoying issue yes, again addressed in a future patch (the method i used was pretty old) speed will be recovered hopefully soon. Robbert100: It has a basic rtf >> html convertor in the plugins (click the star, then the formatted text plugin) There will be a patch, but it actually adds more functions than fixes bugs ;) as there are very few bugs to fix :P some of the innards will be reworked too to hopefully gain speed and increase stability too. Thanks a lot for your comments :D keep em coming!
Posted by Arf :: FPP Games 3rd January, 2004

Ok, I'll wait for the patch and see if that helps (with regard to the fatal exception). It's probably my PC's fault though, there might not be much you can do.
Posted by Mikliz 3rd January, 2004

ive used bigger apps on it, such as Visual Basic, runs super fast
Posted by cake 4th January, 2004

VB is optimised and custom developed. This is made using MMF, which the develop cannot optimise the code of. It's not his fault, its the limitations of the tools he is using.
Posted by gizmo 4th January, 2004

Heh i try my best ^_^ i'll be putting up a preview of something *much* better than iPublish soon :O:O
Posted by Decal 4th January, 2004

This is Greate! :)
Posted by Mikliz 6th January, 2004

if it cant find extensions, just click ok and run again, happens to me alot. Its just the exe doesnt extract them to the temp dir, cause all cox files are included into the exe. Also, the actual app is a ccn in that temp dir, but it WONT run online i dont think. So...I can answer some peoles questions :-D
Posted by DEC Stuff 6th January, 2004

There are 50,000+ of us?
Posted by ChrisB 7th January, 2004

Posted by J.A.P. (Jarmo Airaksinen Productions) 11th January, 2004

GEEZ, I like it... it looks good, works nicely... I like it almost 100% :) How many months or weeks did you do that? It's absolutely extrasupermegaFUnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnnTastiC! Good job!:):):)
Posted by ere 23rd June, 2004

the download dosen't work
Posted by Jenswa 28th August, 2004

Looks good, however i prefer notepad...





Worth A Click