The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Bat And Ball ::. Super Pong(not that bad)

Super Pong(not that bad)
Author: DJ W Submitted: 1st January, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Bat And Ball Downloads: 225

Ya another pong game. Well the thing is I havnt finished or even attempted to make a game for a long time so I wanted to make one and I ended up making this in about 2 hours.

Its not that bad it has a difficulty setting and score count. But I'm not a noob I just got really bored, so have fun!

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Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 2nd January, 2004

I love the way you've put "Not that bad" after the title... a marketing genius <¦-D Still, I'll give it a try.
Posted by Cazra 2nd January, 2004

"Not that bad" <-It's a lie! This got boring really quickly. It would be fun if gameplay was faster and if extra things like bumbers were added into it.
Posted by renneF 3rd January, 2004

Not that bad? Thats like you are saying it's pretty bad lol :) ...downloading
Posted by DJ W 3rd January, 2004

Well look, I got a few downloads ;) Ya I was really bored you guys, I guess you can tell by the quality.
Posted by Evil Monkey 4th January, 2004

Wow Mr. 1.gif, Application1 is a great game! Hah, I'm only kidding. :P I can tell this game could use a lot of work. Strange you used a fairly recent patch of MMF, and you still didn't make a very good game. At least make it so the ball bounces in different directions when it hits the paddle. Hm... this got boring after 30 seconds. :P
Posted by Wormware 5th January, 2004

well, it's pong





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