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Fly n' Land
Author: Nick of All Trades Submitted: 6th January, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Miscellaneous Downloads: 286

Edited By joNickArt- Nikodemus on 1/6/2004

Dear members of The Daily Click: This is joNickArt Entertainment 2004's version of LunarLander. Even if you only can fly in two directions, this game is worth to play anyway.
I started this game a pretty long time ago, inspired not of the ordinary Lunar Lander, but from someone who have made another clone based on it. It first wasn't supposed to have more then one enviroment at the start, but then I got bored of making levels in the VR- space.
This game has a story, but it really don't touch very much of the gameplay. A story about a man who wanted to fly to the stars, which he can do with the new invention, a venchical which can fly straight vertical in the air and don't burn any fuel. The man send in an application to the inventor, and he recieve responding letter and a VR- test disc. Here does the game begin.
Fly through five different enviroments: VR- space, green hills, batllefield, mountainexpedition and real space; with five levels and music I have composed myself each.
We also offer you four special emergency missions which offer you a little more then the regular levels, and two secrets which I actually never made, but is secret anyway.
That is all I have to offer you, fellow people.
Thank you for your time, and please continue visit joNickArt Entertainment website:

Review This Download'n (1.8mb )

Posted by AtariKee 6th January, 2004

Reviewed. Now I'm gonna beat this and get back to work on my game :)
Posted by Nick of All Trades 7th January, 2004

Thank you for the review, Brian :)
Posted by Keatonian 7th January, 2004

I may have to review this...
Posted by Keatonian 7th January, 2004

I would review it if I could get past the 3rd real level (not VR)
Posted by Agoro 7th January, 2004

Dude, this is a bad version of the old game: lander, in the old one, you can move left or right whenever, in this, you can only do that pressing up Also, you move weird, when u press 'up' you sould move slower, and less blocky.
Posted by Agoro 7th January, 2004

Brian Deuel - the level you keep dieing in, the first time i got to the open key (dieing about 50 times) i landed and i got to the next level. you gatta drop when it moves down. REVIEW'D
Posted by Karnage [Ragnarok Games] 7th January, 2004

brian, fyi, tgf does have a grid option... i'm using it in my space game which is kinda like lunar lander.






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