The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Point And Click Adventure Engine (Game Version)

Point And Click Adventure Engine (Game Version)
Author: Nick Smith Submitted: 6th January, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 327

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/23/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/23/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/9/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/9/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/7/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/7/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/7/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/7/2004

Edited By Nick Smith on 1/6/2004

Finally, it's complete! Basically, literally ages ago as a huge classic adventure game fan, I decided to try to make a point & click style adventure game in TGF. Realising the stupid amount of time needed, I changed the plan to just making a tutorial for others to make adventures. Then, getting carried away, it wound up being a fully fledged game in its own right anyway!

This download is the completed game, saved as a standalone locked .exe file. The storyline and animation is minimal (just look at the main character!) but it all works and looks, IMHO, pretty good.

Features include:
10 locations to visit
Menu system
Save/load system
2 graphic puzzles
About 25 inventory objects to play with
3 control systems:
- The levels are split between modern Broken Sword style controls and old school SCUMM style ones

Im still gonna release the thing as a big tutorial sometime in the near future, so any feedback would be appreciated.

Note that the download is a zip file because it's easier to get people to host it that way but inside its just one exe installation file. Thanks to xtraverse at for hosting the file now on a much better connection. If anyone else would like to host the file for me too that would be great. Pass it around as much as you can!

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This download contains more than 50 comments, so only the latest 50 have been shown, click here to view all comments (58)
Posted by Galaxy613 8th January, 2004

BTW I like Advanced over Easy and 'Classic'(a.k.a 'SCUMMY').
Posted by eX Com 8th January, 2004

how do u get rid of the receptionist???
Posted by Nick Smith 8th January, 2004

OK, I guess I should offer some hints... but in return I'd really apprecite some people writing some reviews when they're finished (or before if you want)! Anyway, I'll just say that getting rid of her involves the alarm, a not-that-obvious thing in the gallery level (examine around a bit) and a few things in the store room (and I dont mean the knife!!! - you can't kill her!). The puzzle is a bit daft (like an annoyingly large amount of old school adventures!) and requires a fare few steps but there are things to give you a hint. If you figure it out, please dont post it here and spoil it for others! I'll check back another day and if people are still struggling may be a little less subtle with the clues!
Posted by eX Com 8th January, 2004

i got some of that done... but im still lost at what to do
Posted by Lance10106 8th January, 2004

how can it involves the alarm,when it try to push it why does it just say "OH i dont wanna do that again" how do i get rid of the receptionest?
Posted by Galaxy613 8th January, 2004

I pressed it the first time and she just went back and nothing happened. Now it just does what lance said, when I get the engine I will give some in-game clues...if I even have something this annyoing.
Posted by Nick Smith 9th January, 2004

OK, as a further hint, I will say that it's not as striaghtforward as just using the alarm. You need to use some inventory objects on things. And one of the objects is the telescopic pole (which has many uses in the game). Also, there are quite a few stages to the 'getting rid of the receptionist' puzzle so stick with it! Sorry for it being so hard... I was kinda testing myself to see how difficult I could make it! In the mean time, the whole receptionist/alarm puzzle is ultimately only to get hold of 1 important object. If you're stuck, there is probably a lot of other stuff to do in the temple which doesnt require getting rid of the recpetionist...
Posted by Galaxy613 9th January, 2004

oh you can do a whole lot at the reading that text on the wall and getting useless gum and also finding out that the temple is too dark to go into :-P I've tryed useing the lighter on the fuse just "I don't think so".
Posted by Nick Smith 9th January, 2004

It involves the entranceway (sorry, this is the most perfposfully illogical thing in the game!). BTW, the screenshots here wont display because the host doesnt allow external linking... If someone else could host them (4 files total size of about 150k) or knows a free place that does allow external linking and to just hold files rather than a website, i'd really appreciate some help.
Posted by Galaxy613 9th January, 2004 there you go
Posted by Galaxy613 9th January, 2004

I'vew tried every item in my inv in the first 4 'rooms' which are, the gallery, the lobby, outside the lobby and in the colest and it alwayssays the same thing.. "I should try someinth else..". then I use everything in my inv on the entrance way and it says "Oh I don't want do that.." or "Oh I don't want to use my lighter as a torch..". Unless theres something that I'm over looking that hidden, this game is sovleble only to the creator.
Posted by Wormware 9th January, 2004

Well, I think it has moere to do with what the receptionis is doing. She sometimes looks to the left of the screen. Else you can always try the temple, that's not that hard. And when you already did the temple: good luck! But i've got the same problem. Tried all objects on all possible posisitons.
Posted by Wormware 9th January, 2004

Nick: ""It involves the entranceway (sorry, this is the most perfposfully illogical thing in the game!)"" Well i think it wasn't that illogical. But it has the same sollution as an other click adventure here on TDC.. Try all of them :p
Posted by Wormware 9th January, 2004

And an other thing: an adventure shouldn't be solved in a few days. keep trying maybe an other day you'll figure it out.. So Cracking the engine to find the sollution sucks..
Posted by eX Com 9th January, 2004

Here's a hint because starting this puzzle is pretty difficult (getting rid of the receptionist) Like Nick said: you use the telescopic pole, but the hard part is finding the place where you use it... its sort of disguised as part of one object... just try clicking different parts of objects..
Posted by Wormware 9th January, 2004

thanks! I just had figured it out (with help form somebody else who told almost the same!) But the rest is a piece of cake!
Posted by eX Com 9th January, 2004

Have you figured out the temple contraption thing yet?! I have no idea where the put the knives and where to turn it.. i think theres a hint on the temple pillars but i cant understand it...
Posted by Lance10106 9th January, 2004

grrrrr the telescope pole is not working on anything if someone could tell me what room to use it in,I would be very happy :)
Posted by Lance10106 9th January, 2004

do i use the pole around the entrance or something?
Posted by Lance10106 9th January, 2004

"John Leslie is innocent"... Does that even comein handy in the game
Posted by eX Com 9th January, 2004

no, you use an action on the entrance you use the pole later on inside the temple
Posted by Galaxy613 9th January, 2004

I poked something in the room you started in and you made a hole in the roof. ...but the result didn't get rid of the receptionist :(
Posted by eX Com 9th January, 2004

keep doing it
Posted by Lance10106 9th January, 2004

i cant get the dagger thing right WHAT THE HECK AM I SUPPOSED TO DO!!!!! :(
Posted by Galaxy613 9th January, 2004

to get A's in the storage room on the same shelf you got the poker 9000, right mouse button, remember ;) the secound one is in the cross roads. These are ROCK soild hints
Posted by eX Com 9th January, 2004

I DID IT!!!! WOO HOO I BEAT THE GAME!! ...that temple contraption was hard as sin to figure out!
Posted by Nick Smith 9th January, 2004

*cough*no-spoilers*cough* If you're really really stuck then send me a message but as wormware said, "an adventure shouldn't be solved in a few days. keep trying maybe an other day you'll figure it out". That's half the "fun" of adventures - and the game's not that long so you'll only spoil it by rushing! I shall be heading back to studying tomorrow, so may be a bit busy for a few days. Any more reviews, and if anyone would like to click that nice "vote button" (preferrably with the thumb up!) that would be nice... ...because I think I will release the unlocked game once this has 150 downloads, 6 good-quality reviews (that doesnt mean they have to be positive!) and 60 votes (ditto). And please let me know of any serious bugs. Later!... (*laughs evily*)
Posted by Galaxy613 9th January, 2004

why set a standard of releasing the engine? Just pic a date or do minium have-to-get-to's, like release the engine next week and if you get 4 not-crap-reviews then you release it a little bit early, cuz' I really want to get my hands on the engine and I think it'll take a LONG time to 150 downloads 60 votes you are turly a Rookie Member of TDC.
Posted by Galaxy613 9th January, 2004

eX Com, the "result" was when the water came down on the alarm and she came in, shes still there.
Posted by Acutus Caminus 9th January, 2004

um, when I enter the temple, all i see is rubble and some pillars, any "hints" on what to do here? Oh yeah, great game. You really should upload the unlocked version of it, because not everyone will have the chance to see this as they'll merely miss it by mistake and the people here who have seen it would miss out otherwise, but probably would want to get it. I'll try to get you a review when I've finished.
Posted by Wormware 10th January, 2004

Some hints.. Acutus Caminus: Well, it's a temple try to think what happens in other temples and pyramides. There must be more.. good luck! CK4R1: Try your whole inventory on everything :p
Posted by Lance10106 10th January, 2004

please hint!! i think your supposed to place the daggers in the slot by the way their pointing...but but none of them are pointing done,and there is no way to move the very bottom holder thing.!!!
Posted by Wormware 10th January, 2004

Well that could be your first hint, try looking in the room where you came from (the Temple). MAybe there will be a tiny hint.. I don't want to tell to much, you see.
Posted by Wormware 10th January, 2004

ow and the symbols are usefull!
Posted by eX Com 10th January, 2004

hey wormware did u beat it too?
Posted by Broomie 10th January, 2004

I love the whole SCUMM (Script Creation Utility for Maniac Mansion) interface thing, I downloaded the demo quite a while ago, good stuff.
Posted by Wormware 11th January, 2004

Yep, with a little help... on getting rid of the receptionist. But now nobody has that anymore problem, i think...
Posted by Wormware 11th January, 2004

Are there many people who (really) want to make an Adventure too (in a team)please mail me See ya!
Posted by Acutus Caminus 11th January, 2004

I tried those, but there's only the damaged roof and entrance to play around with other than your inventory. I feel very confused, though I wouldn't mind if someone sent me mail on it. Did you (Nick Smith) test this game with someone else before you released it? Because often it pays to do so as they haven't experienced it yet and would find out things you didn't know. It helps.
Posted by Acutus Caminus 11th January, 2004

BTW I may be interested in helping out in making an adventure game it just depends on what's happening, because I was making an adventure game to see how I can use MMF. Oh yeah, I tried all the inventory items on every thing my mouse could find.
Posted by Galaxy613 12th January, 2004

I've given up sence I tryed all my inv on all the objects everywere and sence no one is giving clues anymore I mine as well stop and wait for the engine...but that'll NEVER come sence to outragus have-to-get-to, 150 dls??? GEEZ....
Posted by Nick Smith 13th January, 2004

lol, I think I'll put the unlocked file up a little earlier than said. Finally got my PC working on the college network again... I think I have some free server space somewhere on here I could upload to. Acutus Caminus: No-one else tested the game but seeing as it took so long to finish, a lot of it did get tested to hell and a million bugs have been removed over time. In terms of gameplay, obviously I can see that things that seem obvious to me - 'cause I created them - wont be to other people. Some people have reported a few odd bugs which I'll change for the other version and i'll probably re-upload this version at some point too.
Posted by Joshtek 13th January, 2004

Nick: I can host the file for you for free, quite fast server too. Just PM me for more details.
Posted by 醤油の兵士 13th January, 2004

i still can't get rid of the secretary, why can't i put the sticky gum on the ground to trap her in the gallery :P does the "this guy must have met a sticky end" have any significance with the gum. If you want a good PnC game, look at shivers
Posted by Wormware 14th January, 2004

I think you need te real al what is written above.. You might (whe you look close) find some thing that could help you :p
Posted by 醤油の兵士 14th January, 2004

i did the telescopic pole thing, i just don't see anything else to do... *drops knife on receptionist* - "If only I could" :P
Posted by Acutus Caminus 14th January, 2004

I can't find anything else to use my inventory on, unless it's one pixel wide. If you don't want to spoil anything for others, you could perhaps leave a less subtle hint in my mail (DC). I appreciate all the help that's been given even if I can't make sense of it. Well you did seem to get rid of all the bugs. You tested well on that. I'm confused on how you did the movement of going around the objects to get to the other side.
Posted by Nick Smith 25th January, 2004

OK, if anyone's still reading this, I want to upload the final unlocked version but have nowhere to put it. It's a 6.04 mb zip file. Any offers to host, please message me!
Posted by EleXor 18th February, 2004

I readed the comments over 5 times and still can't figure out what to do with pole ;( please tell me by mail or give tips :D
Posted by Annette 16th April, 2004

Really enjoying the game - sadly starting to dream solutions - that don't work :( I'm stuck in a couple of places and would like a shove(hint)in the right direction. The receptionist and the telescopic pole and the rubble in the temple. Currently I can't do either and so I'm not getting anywhere.






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