The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Platformer ::. Holiday

Author: xXAaronXx Submitted: 12th January, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Platformer Downloads: 411

Edited By xXAaronXx on 1/12/2004

Edited By xXAaronXx on 1/12/2004

This game I was originally making for the christmas competition but I ended up getting too busy so I only got two days of work into it. I tried working on it more but I gave up on it because game factory screws up everything. Sometimes everything works, most the time there are certain problems of some sort and I just cant take it anymore. Anyway the keys are as followed:

esc - emergency key in case you get stuck
1'2'3 - Select different abilities you have earned
ctrl - use abilities (use switches n such)
x - activate the whole 3 abilities I finished!!!! =O

And I ask everyone, if you know where I can download or buy CNC-mmf express, let me know. I have normal mmf but I just cant get used to using that thing.

Game Factory is just FAR FAR too glitchy for me. I am sorry for how little there is to the game, but it was just supposed to be a christmas entry that kinda had a whole game (Wario style kind of) in one level.

..and dont worry about dropping down holes. There is a teleport thingy at the bottom to bring you back up. I hope you enjoy the game, demo, whatever.

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Posted by istvan 12th January, 2004

Looks cool! but i reckon you should get rid of the default windows menu at the top.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 12th January, 2004

Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 12th January, 2004

Cool game! Only one problem: Its hard to get out of some area's because I couldn't jump that high. Other then that, this is a cool game! P.S.: The main character is so cool :)!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 12th January, 2004

Oh, I didn't see the bit about the teleporter at the bottom.
Posted by xXAaronXx 12th January, 2004

Thanks for the comments, I know the game is really lacking, but its only been worked on 2 days. I would finish it (probably only take a day or 2) if i could just get my hands on CNC. If anyone has it again I am asking you let me know if you will send it to me, where i can download it, or where I can buy it, I would really appreciate it. I made it so ctrl is how you use all powerups too. The horn extends those little ice blocks you see in the side of the snow. Ice cubes you can use to create platforms under you to get to higher places. ==I added "X" key to give you the 3 powerups I actually finished, the snowball gun is there to blowup the snowman blocks but I dont think I made em do that yet. Lastly... If anyone wants to make a game with all my graphics I can send the game over or just the graphics in a saved game and you can make what you like, just give me credit somewhere please.
Posted by xXAaronXx 12th January, 2004

Ok I changed and tweaked a few things, it has a menu bar now, made an icon, fixed the snowball thrower guys a little bit, and the snowball gun should shoot properly I think...Never know with game factory!!
Posted by Grazzum - Scorpion E 12th January, 2004

Wow, really nice sprites. The amin character's sweet as Fuck :D
Posted by Kris 13th January, 2004

fun stuff. he sticks to walls though
Posted by xXAaronXx 13th January, 2004

Sometimes he sticks, sometimes he wont. It would probably always work if the walls werent bumpy, but I dont feel like trying to fix this anymore. I really hate game factory.
Posted by AndyUK 13th January, 2004

tgf isnt that bad man come on its better than most game creators
Posted by xXAaronXx 13th January, 2004

I suppose, It just has far more problems than I had with CnC, MMF Express, whatever.
Posted by xXAaronXx 13th January, 2004

In response to the review. All graphics are mine, the music and sounds came from rpg maker...but I think they were there from a game someone made for it which came from DDR and random fighting games. The big ball thing was going to have your life in it and a litte picture of the guy. Everything messed up with the little of the game I completed in my 2 days of working on it was because game factory had issues... Or maybe its just cuz game factory works different from cnc. 5/10 isnt bad for a 2 day incomplete game tho, thanx.
Posted by Dr. James MD 15th January, 2004

downloading! :D looks good!
Posted by Dr. James MD 17th January, 2004

i really think you should finish this game. the main character looks kick ass! good work





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