The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. RoBird demo

RoBird demo
Author: Wilhelm300 Submitted: 12th April, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 161

Edited By Wilhelm300 on 4/13/2004

You are a robot bird (RoBird), and you go through a training level. Its a platformer, and you play this robot. and thats about it.. This is a SHORT SHORT demo of a full game that maybe will come next year.

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Posted by Echisketch(PS) 12th April, 2004

you weren't kidding when you said short demo HAHAHAHA, errr... There is too little to judge this game, I recommend making a bigger demo before releasing, but using the default platform engine, eye-burning graphics, not that there bad, but bad choice of color, Use a custom engine, bigger demo. Thats what I recommend so far, it has potential.
Posted by Willy C 13th April, 2004

nice game willy300, Love the in-game voices
Posted by Wilhelm300 13th April, 2004

hehe, thnx you guys!
Posted by vortex2 14th April, 2004

hmm well, its extremely short, the controls are weird, and you can fall off the side of the frame. I recommend putting jump and shoot as like ctrl and shift, as it makes it easier to get to, and it is more standard. Also, please add something to make the robot stop when he leaves the left side of the frame, instead of falling to his doom :P. I look forward to playing the completed game ;).
Posted by Wilhelm300 14th April, 2004

He he, thnx for the tips vortex, I will do somthing with it!




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