The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Shoot 'Em Up ::. Untitled Top down shooter demo

Untitled Top down shooter demo
Author: DasGuy Submitted: 20th April, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Shoot 'Em Up Downloads: 163

Edited By DasGuy on 4/21/2004

Edited By DasGuy on 4/21/2004

My still untitled top down shooting game demo. Included around 9 guns in the demo out of the 20 something I have made. Objectives for now are just to kill everything that moves. Game features pretty cool effects and mouse keyboard controls.Bullets travel in 3600 directions as opposed to 32. I got rid of most of the ink effects so it would run with minimal slow down. Also as much as I myself hate freewebs there is nothing else that works much better.

There is a link that goes faster but only 4 people will be able to use that one a day.

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Posted by Airflow 21st April, 2004

Dude! That screen size is massive! My computer is making grinding noises! Smaller screen please. ^^
Posted by Jatzek(DreamEvil Corp) 21st April, 2004

The game looks cool and bloody! I will download it later!
Posted by Muggus 21st April, 2004

Damn. Looks good, but runs really slow on my computer. :(
Posted by Willy C 21st April, 2004

damn it that download runs slow. 2 kb/sec. Its not right when I have 700 cable. Anywho, looks like there is going to be a while before I play it then. From the pictures the game looks cool, though
Posted by DasGuy 21st April, 2004

The game runs at 600x600 resolution, I toned that down from 800x800. You can see the difference between the two screenshots, because I accidently put ip an old one from my preview. The only time it slows down on mine is when you shoot the toilets and I'm probably going to fix that before the final version. If you dont have a 1-1.5 ghz proccessor your in for a slow ride. Also i did mean 3600.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 21st April, 2004

I love how Freewebs tries to recreate the retro feel of 33k modem downloads.
Posted by Zane 21st April, 2004

thats really good fun. one thing though, you should make it so that when you press w, it always go's towards the mouse, and sidesteps when pressing a or d, that way it'd be easyer to move
Posted by DasGuy 21st April, 2004

Phizzy I used advanced direction object extension. Do they not put demo's on front page because I'm insulted that great balls of fire made it over my game.
Posted by Rhys D 21st April, 2004

you CAN'T have more than 360 dir shooting using a click product.
Posted by DasGuy 22nd April, 2004

Yes you can because MMF supports decimals. If you don't believe me I will direct you to this tutorial that took me 2 minutes to find.
Posted by Phlibbit 22nd April, 2004 that needs to go on the front page. That was really, really awesome.
Posted by renneF 23rd April, 2004

'twas well wecked
Posted by Probe 24th April, 2004

Keep working dude! This is one of the best klick games ive seen indeed great awesome...
Posted by Probe 24th April, 2004

Keep working dude! This is one of the best klick games ive seen indeed great
Posted by DasGuy 24th April, 2004

Few people seem to think so...





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