The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Ditto! Extension Installer

Ditto! Extension Installer
Author: Evil Monkey Submitted: 14th May, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 254

Edited By Evil Monkey on 5/14/2004

You may have seen some extension sorters or copiers before that can install extensions by dragging them onto the window. Now, what if you could do that, use an open dialog, and be able to open them into the program from the Windows shell? Meet Ditto! Extension Installer!

Ditto is a simple program that lets you easily copy TGF and MMF extensions into their correct folders. First, you specify the directories, then Ditto remembers them each time you launch the program. You will then be able to install extensions using three techniques.

The Drag and Drop technique provides three sections (MMF Extension, MMF Runtime, and TGF Extension) for which you can drop an extension file onto the window. Ditto will then confirm your selection. Once you click Yes, the extension is installed immediately, waiting for you to install the next one.

The Open Dialog technique simply gives you three buttons (MMF Extension, MMF Runtime, and TGF Extension), which you can click on to make an open dialog appear and let you select your extension. If you have Windows XP, the program will use the improved version of the open dialog.

The Associate File Types function registers all .cox, .gox, and .gfx files as extensions that Ditto can open when you double-click on them. If it is an MMF extension, it will ask whether the file is for the Extensions folder or the Runtime folder. After that, your extension is installed!

Also provided is a help screen, which will show you how easy it is to use this helpful tool.

Us folks at Team Alpha hope you will enjoy using this to install your extensions! Enjoy!

If you find a bug or error, or want a question submitted to the Q&A, e-mail me at:

Review This Download (741kb )

Posted by Willy C 15th May, 2004

smart, I would had downloaded it if it wasnt for that I dont need it right now. But smart
Posted by Mr Icekirby 15th May, 2004

hmm, just another tool, TO BE LAZY YAY!
Posted by Mr Icekirby 15th May, 2004

Posted by Evil Monkey 15th May, 2004

Lol. I wanted to include the installer, because it makes the thing look professional, and it's kinda cool. I couldn't upload it directly to my ftp as for security reasons, it doesn't allow .exe files to be uploaded.
Posted by chrilley 15th May, 2004

For us normal CLickers, a installation is just unneccesary and annoying. It should only be used if you are going to give it to someone that doesn't have the dll files.
Posted by Evil Monkey 15th May, 2004

I don't think there's anything wrong with installers. Now give some USEFUL criticism.
Posted by ChrisB 15th May, 2004

Two suggestions: Installing GOX/GFX files should be automatic. 'Extension copied to TGF folder' for example, not a prompt to click the button. Option to rename Click & Create COX files to GOX (and if the first two letters are kc, change them to gf). Installers are fine. I won't use this (hey, I have a link to MMF on all my directory windows) but it's cool.
Posted by Evil Monkey 16th May, 2004

Both good ideas. I'll take those into consideration. Did you find any bugs? After adding a few frames, I didn't feel like retesting the installation process. However, I got all the obvious ones out.
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 17th May, 2004

If only you released this a few weeks ago... THEN i could of used!
Posted by Andos 24th May, 2004

lol this looks like it works the same way as MMF Cox Organizer.





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