The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Action ::. Kill Urs Meier

Kill Urs Meier
Author: ChrisB Submitted: 24th June, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Action Downloads: 218

Edited By Chris Branch / FireMonkey on 6/24/2004

This is for all you England fans out there... annoyed that Campbell's goal was disallowed? Want to get revenger on THAT ref? Well now you can, with "Kill Urs Meier"! Destroy a digital representation of England's most hated person of the day today, without getting arrested for it! It's fun for all the family.

now with added CNCS232.dll

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Posted by The Chris Street 25th June, 2004

Im so glad we lost that match. We then saw a Portugese run pub in Thetford be decended upon by over 100 hooligans wanting to trash it up. Twits.
Posted by ChrisB 25th June, 2004

Circy, I think you meant to put an 'a' somewhere in that last word
Posted by Tigerworks 25th June, 2004

Twitas? We needed the skeleton ref guy, the one with the glare and veins, nobody argues with Skeletor, whassisname, Collina.
Posted by alibaba 25th June, 2004

its a shame - england fans are the best and worst in the world. I cant believe that reff tho, esp cos of that stupid blonde beard
Posted by Pete Nattress 25th June, 2004

hahahaha chris, we are two minds alike! i went to my computer after that match with a view to making a similar game. laziness was my enemy. have you been to his website? read the "interview" bit (translated if you need). what annoys me is that he says "i do not like second referees or TV replays, they are unnecessary and disrupt play." i'll disrupt him!
Posted by Arf :: FPP Games 25th June, 2004

Hey, at least France are out too. Regarding this "game", it would be better if he moved around and you got more points for headshots or something. Although I suppose you didn't exactly spend a significant amount of time on this. Great idea, anyhow.
Posted by Claudio-Italy 26th June, 2004

usually Italians are supposed to be those that always say "it wasn't our fault". It seems we are not that different after all….
Posted by Peblo 27th June, 2004

So, is this one of the games you intended to get that shiny star by your name?
Posted by FlameCritter 27th June, 2004

Who would name their kid Peblo, lol.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 27th June, 2004

I always thought Urs Meier sounded like a constellation or something rather than an unfair blonde bearded Swedish twat.
Posted by Shen 27th June, 2004

Don't knock him. He made the Alpha Centuri series.
Posted by ChrisB 27th June, 2004

Yeah, ph33r my 1337 extensions foo. ;P By the way, it took 20 mins to make, since I had an exam the next day... in the morning. :(
Posted by Peblo 28th June, 2004

Everywhere I go, I get made fun of because of my name... oh well.
Posted by DaVince 21st January, 2008

The name "Peblo" rocks.





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