The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Pete Demo (probably abandoned)

Pete Demo (probably abandoned)
Author: J.A.P Submitted: 8th July, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 363

One of my "comic"- collections (I draw comics, starring brothers Topi, Pete and Pate plus their cute and smart cat Miisu) game where Pete wanders through levels to save his brothers from big-evil-nasty-bastard (hmmm...).

to beat bosses and their underlings, jump on to them and try to stamp them.



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Posted by Pete Nattress 8th July, 2004

good name for the eponymous character there!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 8th July, 2004

Abandon this? This could be a Klik Classic! What's wrong with you?
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 8th July, 2004

P.S. The graphics remind me a bit of the old NES/Gameboy game "Bonk's Adventure." :)
Posted by J.A.P 8th July, 2004

Well, I guess that I have to continue the adventures of Pete. Aaah, allright, you got me: I WILL CONTINUE MAKING THAT GAME!! SPREAD MESSAGE!!
Posted by Astral_86 8th July, 2004

Really nice that you'll continue working on it! :D I'm downloading it right now... it really looks good! :)
Posted by Astral_86 8th July, 2004

Sorry for double messaging, but um... I just wanna tell ya' that I hate freewebs! XD I can host your game if my server's up thou.
Posted by Cazra 8th July, 2004

Stupid 1.33 kb per minute freewebs... Use instead. ;)
Posted by Muggus 8th July, 2004

So very very slow. I shall go make myself a cuppa while I wait.
Posted by J.A.P 8th July, 2004

one of my game is 9 megs and it belongs to my "comic"- collection... I'd like to ask: who'd like to host it? send DC mail!!
Posted by Muggus 8th July, 2004

Pretty good. Tough though. You should continue it though. Even though it is a bit too 'Zeb-esque'.
Posted by Eric P 9th July, 2004

Pete's a pretty cool little click character. Hopefully we'll see more of him (I know you said we would, but we all know how that goes!)
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 9th July, 2004

I still wonder why you abandoned this. You're messed up. Please don't abandon this!
Posted by hey hey shoe 9th July, 2004

from my experience, freewebs is the slowest webhotel i know
Posted by tdc052621 10th July, 2004

OMG, this webhost only has 1 kbs per sec.! You lucky i vote thumbs up.
Posted by Leric 13th July, 2004

This game is way better than your other Zeb-esque game Topi. Only thing I think you should add in are continues or something. Again way better than Topi abandon it continue this. Also it seems to me that you have put more work into Topi (things such as comic cutscenes & stuff) if you put that kinda work in this game it'll really be good.





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