The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Klik Clok

Klik Clok
Author: Mr Icekirby Submitted: 13th September, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 174

A simple clock program, with one difference. You can probably tell from the screenshot what that difference is.
Yes, a screenshot!

Hold down the left mouse button while on the window to move it. Use the right click menu to move it to a corner or center of screen. Also Quit is on the right click menu.

You can't move it right away, you have to wait 2 seconds first.

Hopefully this APP will be more useful then ICE Compress.

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Posted by Gamer 14th September, 2004

^ You app is more useless than that comment.
Posted by Blackstorm 14th September, 2004

And that comment was pretty damn useless... I don't need a secondary clock.
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 14th September, 2004

Here's a wacky idea, make something of value.
Posted by Radix 15th September, 2004

Holy crap, the 'add comment' box was hiding. Hey Matt, that comment wasn't useless; you used it to prove a point. It was fucking irritating, however. Somebody delete it, it's raping the page layout.
Posted by Mr Icekirby 15th September, 2004

delete that comment, and post something useful, or nothing at all! some people may use this
Posted by The Chris Street 15th September, 2004

Don't be a clown, Matt :S
Posted by Noyb 15th September, 2004

?elpoep cixelsyd rof kcolc a ...mmH
Posted by kjarom 20th October, 2005

!reve gniht sselesu tsom eht eb ylbissop dluoc sihT




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