The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. Project Manager

Project Manager
Author: Herb Submitted: 25th October, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 259

Edited By Herb on 10/25/2004

A simple project manager with to-do items with sub progress, export all your projects to an easy to read customisable HTML file (screenshot 1).

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Posted by Assault Andy 26th October, 2004

Great app, and that export feature is very nice. One thing I dislike is the progress. It is too sensitive and you cannot get an exact number easily. It would be nice if you could type in numbers instead.
Posted by Herb 26th October, 2004

Good idea, i'll add that to version 2
Posted by Yuhkaz 26th October, 2004

Finally, we see a release of another click app that is ACTUALLY handy and isnt a clock/notepad/paint clone XD
Posted by steve 26th October, 2004

very useful app! Before using this, I just opened blank txt docs and filled them with my ideas and "todos". This is alot better :P Here is an idea though: maybe make a little "picture" thumbnail or something for each project! :) Also "project genre"
Posted by Herb 26th October, 2004

okay, they'll go into v2 as well :)
Posted by Lazernaut 26th October, 2004

bah, why is it that people seem to get the same ideas as me, and then actually finish their products ? >_<
Posted by ChrisB 26th October, 2004

Get to work then, you lazy bum.
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 26th October, 2004

I would make a better decsription if i was you. When i saw it i wasn't going to download, but after seeing the good comments and the screenshots i downloaded it, this better be good ;) Ps. I'll add comments about it when i've used it.
Posted by gizmo 26th October, 2004

Yeah, good job on breaking the trend of "OMG MEGA NOTPAD PR00 2005 EDITIUN" ;) Handy too.
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 26th October, 2004

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - You should have a default to do list. Coding Graphics Levels >You should be able to change the default aswell. >be able to change the order of the to do list - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >You should be able to have a link to that projects folder/cca - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - >The HTML that is saved when exported doesn't work for me - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - Very useful though and will be used by me :) I would have a page where you can view all my games in progres but,as i said earlier, the HTML thing doesn't work.
Posted by Herb 26th October, 2004

It works fine for me, what goes wrong, does the HTML not save? If not, try export settings and put in a file name and make sure the outpath path is valid. Order of todo list, good idea, i'll add that, I might add an optional "link" for each project, but I can't see many uses for it
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 26th October, 2004

It saves alright, and i choose the file name, but it only opens a black page. Maybe it's Firefox?
Posted by Herb 26th October, 2004

Nope it works fine in firefox, I think you have black as the background colour in the options.
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 26th October, 2004

Nope white's the background colour, I changed the colours from the application but it still didn't work :\
Posted by Herb 26th October, 2004

It works fine in firefox, and several others have affirmed this.
Posted by SoftWarewolf 26th October, 2004

if you close a subapp window it wont open again.. fix it by forcing hide instead
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 26th October, 2004

Still doesn't work, Could be my Firefox, It doesn't even work with any Vitalized games even though i've installed the plugin
Posted by Echisketch 26th October, 2004

good job, quite handy of a utility.
Posted by Jenswa 27th October, 2004

Nice program, i'll give it a try to handle my projects (usually i stop after a few years and end up with nothing, perhaps this app will let me do otherwise).
Posted by Tiri 28th October, 2004

i tested this bad boy out and on my export file the big progress bar just stays at 0%
Posted by Herb 29th October, 2004

Perhaps you didn't save.
Posted by Toni Lähdekorpi 1st November, 2004

Really nice work, i really like the style of it and the export. Bug: In the export if you click cancel on the folder select it does same than ok. Really good work!




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