The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Turn-based Strategy ::. GameBiz

Author: Nino Arndt Submitted: 9th November, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Turn-based Strategy Downloads: 628

Edited By Nino Arndt on 11/10/2004

Manage a games Developer company.
Starting in 1984.
Develope top notch games for 19 different platforms like C64,playstation, Amiga,Atari etc.
Compete with companys like EA, Activision, Blizzard etc.
Deal with publishers.
Buy buildings, office space etc.
Study and ensure that your company is up to date.
Hire the best people of the business
Develope anti piracy tools.
and much more..

Review This Download (8mb )

Posted by Dr. James MD 9th November, 2004

for a second i thought it was a remake of the Computer Business (a donkeys old mac freeware game). tis a pretty good little management game/app. thumbs up
Posted by Coop 9th November, 2004

very good. i like it alot. Havent made a very successful company yet but im getting there.
Posted by tdc052621 9th November, 2004

this game is awesome, i played it for a good hour and will play it more when i have time.
Posted by 醤油の兵士 9th November, 2004

how is it that the games get terribly worse the further along they are developed? I can get a perfect 100% on the first review after one week of work and get a 3/10 on the release with the best of the best :S but when I saw altered beast came out that same week I finished my game, I knew I was dead to it ;) (are these games released on their real release dates? it would be cool if they were :)) This would make a great game...I got an idea for an easter egg...if it isn't already there ;)
Posted by GoMoogles 9th November, 2004

Wow...this is confusing...and also it's amazing. I love it!
Posted by 醤油の兵士 10th November, 2004

XD: Preview of GameBiz The Game was recived by us in the start of week 51 1992 Game is going to be released in the next 1 to 2 month. So the preview was done on a nearly finished product. GameBiz has Great potential The graphics was extraordinarily incredible The playable was very refreshing and addictive :P in the end it only got a 6/10, a bit harsh on yourself:P
Posted by Jamesbuc 10th November, 2004

yeah the scores are a bit harsh.
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 10th November, 2004

looks very interesting. although dial-up user, i'll download it! 8)
Posted by 醤油の兵士 10th November, 2004

I was barely able to scrape by a tope fice for my puvlisher, and got an 8/10 :P I knew my leet skill would come in handy some day (game was called 73|-| 3\/1|_ XD)
Posted by hey hey shoe 10th November, 2004

84, my favorite year of games :D:D:D
Posted by alibaba 10th November, 2004

something diffrent at last! just gettin into it, but so far my lone complaint in the intro music :-s
Posted by Coop 10th November, 2004

arghhhhh.. i can't get a game to score higher than 5/10 and i can't get a new project manager because i can't sell good games.. i maxxed my ability with NES computers and create whatever is popular, i don't know what to do..
Posted by Nino Arndt 10th November, 2004

Thx all :) Hope you are enjoying it as much as was coding it. Lol, Amnesiasoft. 6/10 is not that bad I think ;) For those who need help or hints a few threads can be found in the gamebiz forum. On the front page in the game you will find the links.
Posted by Spork 10th November, 2004

If this is your first game, I look forward to playing your future games.
Posted by GoMoogles 10th November, 2004

I'd definitely like to see more sims like this from you. You're quite good at it! I've been waiting for a game like this for a loooong time.
Posted by Joshtek 10th November, 2004

You obviously have a lot of enthusiasm, and your game is a refreshing change. After playing it for a few hours it seems a little bit repetetive and there are some typos and a few other niggles but I suppose that is to be expected in this genre. Anyway, great work - I hope you make more games. Do you guys remember the other click sims such as the life simulator, Bobbyville, web design sim, etc?
Posted by Liquixcat 10th November, 2004

wow....i like!
Posted by 醤油の兵士 10th November, 2004

I remember dotcom :P I finally got a game to get 8/10, it was called "73|-| 3\/1|_" and I just barely managed to get it out 1 week before my published required a top 5 game, and it stayed number one for 5 weeks :). As joshtek said, there are some typos, but those can be overlooked. Can you make the next patch update your displays correctly, the research window requires you to select the console again to see your current progress.
Posted by Liquixcat 11th November, 2004

it glitched and stopped working every time clicked 'end of week' it took my money but my game's development process stayed at 26 weeks.... kind of a bummer i was doing p.s. make a money cheat :):)
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 11th November, 2004

The game is great but with some serious problems! 8) One of them is the lack of MASTER SYSTEM, GAME GEAR, 3D0 and many more "good selling" consoles!!! Why? I'm going to review it today guys. Check my review in a couple of hours. ;)
Posted by 醤油の兵士 11th November, 2004

you missed nomad too ;)
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 11th November, 2004

My review is ready; check it out! 8)
Posted by alibaba 11th November, 2004

Liquixcat - that is probably cos u created a project and didnt start it after assignig your workers :-p
Posted by Kirby Smith 11th November, 2004

Harsh Salt. Oh, and the SNES is in the game. Way to ruin your credibility. . . Plus, come on... 5/10 when you gave it a 9/10 for Gameplay. Where are your priorities? It's a text-based stratagy game, should you really be grading it down because it doesn't sparkle with sprites?
Posted by AndyUK 11th November, 2004

i released two games and they both got 3/10 the name Monkeypunkarabanana should be worth a 5 at least.
Posted by Snakesoft 11th November, 2004

Posted by Herb 11th November, 2004

Salt you're pathetic, games like this don't need or have graphics, you also made alot of errors and spelling mistakes. coughPRICKcough.
Posted by xtraverse 11th November, 2004

Salt: When you compress MP3's below 128kbps they begin to sound and smell like crap. And if this guy packed all the stuff in the game EXE, it would take a lot longer to start, as all files stored in the EXE have to be unpacked every time it starts.
Posted by 醤油の兵士 11th November, 2004

salt, you can't put mp3's in the exe anway, that only works with midi files using the default sound and music object from MMF/TGF which is terrible. By default, click games can't even play mp3's without the proper extensions, such as DMC (2) and Directshow, and that other BP one
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 12th November, 2004

Hey guys, hold on! I have an opinion, respect it please! If you believe that the game deserves more than 5/10 then review it yourself. Nice programming, nice game but this game needs BETTER gfx!!! I also believe that it is better to compress the mp3s/wavs rather than adding 5MBs for a 1min track!!!! I also discovered SNES after posting my review -sorry.
Posted by The Chris Street 12th November, 2004

Zone Runner 3 got a 4/10 XD
Posted by DaVince 12th November, 2004

Well, you can do the next thing to make the game smaller: - MP3 music compressed to 22050 Hz or even 11025! - Only one or two MIDI music for every classic game! I noticed the game had about 10 Dune MIDIs and only one Duke Nukem! I agree about adding a classic game gallery and game comments. I'd also like to see an option to add an image as your Company logo (maybe with built-in logo/game front editor?). Great game. No further complaints (except for the graphics, but there's not very much to do about THAT). Sorry for the long post ;)
Posted by Joshtek 12th November, 2004

What was GameBiz made in?
Posted by DaVince 12th November, 2004

It looks logical to me that MMF was used. Just looks like it.
Posted by Tallas 12th November, 2004

The game is great though I saw FF7 released like 6 times.. whatsup? anywho 31million in 1994
Posted by Chedich 12th November, 2004

ARRRGhh! I Was doing VERY well and then I accidently pressed quit game in the options menu. You should really have a thing that asks if you really want to quit the game. And a way to cheat back my thing would be great also. =P
Posted by Herb 12th November, 2004

This isn't made in MMF.
Posted by Nino Arndt 12th November, 2004

No it is not made in MMF, Its made from the ground up in Delphi 6.0. After i submitted it I saw that almost all games are made in programs from click team. If my game does not qualify for these pages, then i hope a DC could remove it. I do not want to spoil anything. Buts anyway its a really great site you guys have here :D
Posted by Weston L 13th November, 2004

freaking.. rocks, man. Nice work. Something I'll play again when I get up tomorrow! Or maybe even review?
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 13th November, 2004

It doesn't bother me that is made with Delphi Nino. It would be great if in this community could be added games made in Gamemaker, DarkBasic etc. ;)
Posted by CrazyB8ss 13th November, 2004

this resembles a game that was in the old school vcade, but its awesome!
Posted by Jimmy Brzezicki 13th November, 2004

Games made in any way are accepted here. It's just that most of us are too lazy to try anything not clickteam. Myself included. This looks interesting...
Posted by Liquixcat 14th November, 2004

no, it wasn't because i didn't start my project... my project was running...week by week....then started going and weeks ended...but my game progress never went started at like 40 some weeks and stopped at 26...never to go any further :(
Posted by Nino Arndt 16th November, 2004

I have made the installation file "lighter" its about 5 mb now. For a moment there i thougth that only click team games could be entered. Luckily for me thats not the case :) okay, I have not heard anybody else having problems with the development stopping before its finished, i will look into it.
Posted by Tallas 21st December, 2004

Bit harsh? I have made a 8/10 before 1990, a good 40-5mil before than. Thiird year I had a huge building and a year after that best staff.





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