The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Abandoned ::. Ninjaman Hachiro -Abandoned

Ninjaman Hachiro -Abandoned
Author: Dr. James MD Submitted: 16th November, 2004 Favourites:0
Genre: Abandoned Downloads: 662

Edited By Jay (NewKlear) on 11/17/2004

This is it, Ninjaman Hachiro. its been about a year since i last touched it, so instead of the few months work that went into it going to waste here it is for you all to play around with.

the thing about Hachiro (after being inspired by Halo ) was its fighting, alas i never finished it. so the fighting system is half done as well as everything else

somethings you should know that i put in the read me, but i know nobodies gonna read that

do NOT go in the water, or do if you want to see the game spaz out
ALT+F4 to quit
press space to sample a very quickly implimented "slow-mo" (for testing tiny things like bouncing back grenades etc)

Review This Download (1.22mb )

Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 16th November, 2004

Another game that deserves front page. Haven't had many games added but recently they've been decent games... So i'm happy :)
Posted by Aaron Tomko 16th November, 2004

This is great. The only thing I can say I really didn't like about this game is the fact that a full version will never be made.
Posted by Kirby Smith 17th November, 2004

Sweet graphics and promising gameplay. You oughta finish this one.
Posted by Killerjedi 17th November, 2004

It shows promise, but it is so unbeliavably buggy that it's unplayable, and indeed almost painful.
Posted by Teapot 17th November, 2004

J-J-Jay... you promised you'd finish this!
Posted by Saven (CrobaSoft) 17th November, 2004

You have to finnish this! :D
Posted by cielx 17th November, 2004

yeassssssss ive been waiting ages for this!!!!!!!!!
Posted by Smeggy 17th November, 2004

I think instead of telling Jay to finish it, you should respect his decision and leave him alone.
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 17th November, 2004

But it does show how much they like the game. I'd be happy if i abandoned a game and someone asked me to finish it. It shows they like the progress you have made in the game :) And it might even give someone the motivation they need to finish it ;)
Posted by muhaha 17th November, 2004

WOW!! This game is amaaaaaazing!!!! Its better than half life 2!
Posted by JPMarkey (Jambo) 17th November, 2004

Gotta love those mountains in it
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 17th November, 2004

Download when I get home I will.
Posted by Blackstorm 17th November, 2004

Instead of bitching for HIM to finish it, why not finish it yourself? That is what abandonware is, isn't it? *download finished* Oh. ... Wow. Maybe the fact that it can only be finished by a god has something to do with it... And the fact that he left out a .cca file. XD
Posted by Joe.H 17th November, 2004

ask him very nicely for the source file, and he just might say' BUGGER OFF'... or he could say yes and send it you
Posted by Ecstazy 17th November, 2004

Bah, I'm making more or less the same thing in top down view, but now I think it'll play better as a side scroller. Great, after nearly completing the engine. :(
Posted by elektro_D.I. 17th November, 2004

nice, very nice
Posted by steve 17th November, 2004

I love the paralax and the moves are fun. Lovely waterfall graphics The combat engine needs a make-over though :)
Posted by AndyUK 17th November, 2004

Yeah, what steve said, the music sounds familiar. I must have that mod in m collection. well the parralax is fantastic but still isnt perfect, its a little scruffy and jumps down a few pixels when you land. it had potential
Posted by Dr. James MD 17th November, 2004

i really wouldnt want this engine, there are no fastloops or anything its a very basic system but with annoying complex bits. i think i was half way through making a new Hachiro using the Custom Platform Object (save me a lot of time) but yea, it was abandoned. and i stopped work on this because ive seen 2 games that have the same boss as mine, which i designed before seeing them... must be a very common boss. anywho i didnt want to seem like i was copying. and of course i started Satan Sam 2 which is Hachiro and then some :)
Posted by cielx 17th November, 2004

aaaarrrrgggghhhhhh 7 layers of parallax- like a dream come true. This rules!!! im workin on somethin pretty similar at the min. only managed 1 layer of parallax tho :-(
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 17th November, 2004

7 layers of paralax?!? Wow, that's 2 layers away from my favourite amount of paralax layers.
Posted by Jack Galilee 17th November, 2004

no matter how buggy it is I still play it again and again till I needed to shit, and even then nearly crapped my pants having to much fun killing things.
Posted by Dogzer 17th November, 2004

i pwn this game
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 18th November, 2004

nice gfx 8)
Posted by Yuhkaz 18th November, 2004

Oh. I thought by abandomware it meant the code was free for use
Posted by AsparagusTrevor 18th November, 2004

Nah, it means it's been abandoned.
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 19th November, 2004

I swear I'll destroy you if you don't finish this! :P
Posted by Imadjinn 20th November, 2004

Aw man, why do all the decent platform games get abandoned? Ok, so I only know 1 other but still... PLEASE RECONSIDER! I LOVE THIS GAME!!!
Posted by Lukas Hägg 22nd November, 2004

Great game there. Nice gfx too (though the white on the trees look weird).
Posted by Joshua M. 6th December, 2004

At 59% it stops downloading :(
Posted by ProtoMarcus 15th February, 2005

The best abandonware. Why did you never finished it?





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