The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Application ::. BM picture generator

BM picture generator
Author: Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson Submitted: 10th February, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Application Downloads: 115

Edited By Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson on 2/12/2005

I made this generator for TThomaso originally, but decided to submit it here. Edit: Here is a description: Clcik on objects to move them, click again to stop moving. Right click to bring up a menu where you can create bjects/change the music. Press Control to move the text box. I'm trying to figure out how to use the screen capture object so you can save your pictures in another way than using Print screen and copying it into paint. And press enter in the work area to restart the frame. If there is something I forgot to say, I've forgotten it. The current version is: 1.4 and version 1.5 is coming soon. Say what you think about it.

PS:I'm not with 10.0 in english, so sorry if you find any "spellin errers"

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Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 10th February, 2005

Check out the boards to figure it out. Nobody that can klik is dumb enough to not figure it out there. Just go to the Downloads in the Other category. And I updated to version 1.2 and 1.3 is almost done too.
Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 10th February, 2005

Oh, and my username there is the same (Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson).
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 10th February, 2005

Please add a screenshot.
Posted by David Newton (DavidN) 11th February, 2005

Well, it needs either that or some explanation of what it's meant to do.
Posted by The Chris Street 11th February, 2005

Yup I agree. BM Picture Generator could be anything, and we shouldn't have to visit your site to see what it actually is. Please give a description of what it does.
Posted by Assault Andy 11th February, 2005

Yes, it needs an explaination. Having us figure it out just isn't good enough.
Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 12th February, 2005

I updated the description. Now you should understand.
Posted by Wormware 15th February, 2005

It's weird... :D
Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 15th February, 2005

Weird? Its Star Trek. Just click the pictures to move them, and ctrl to move textbox. While moving press a arrow key to rotate (note: Does not work on everything). Right click to bring up a menu.
Posted by Wormware 15th February, 2005

But, what is the use of this 'application'? Creating a picture? Btw I really like the graphics!! nice job!
Posted by Böðvar Pétur Þorgrímsson 20th February, 2005

I took these graphics from the forums of Flash Trek. I could NEVER in my live create graphics like that. And it's for making a picture (replaces paint for TThomaso, he uses this program now for creating BMTS,(means Broken Mirror The Series)and I'm working on a BIG update)





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