The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Adventure ::. Five Magical Amulets

Five Magical Amulets
Author: Tomus Submitted: 20th March, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Adventure Downloads: 446
Game of the Week Winner

Edited By Joshtek on 28/01/2025

Edited By Tomus on 3/21/2005

The first idea to create my own adventure was inspired by amateur team, called Tierra which redraw Sierra old games with succes. So I played King’s Quest I, II in 256 colours thanks to this team. Their games are freeware and their succes is proved by big numbers of attendance and downloads. But there are amateur teams engaged in development of their own adventures are on Internet. If you are interested in what’s new in developing amateur adventures, look on, for example. You find there a lot of information about amateur adventures and another links to own projects.

If You are developing Your own 2D advetnture, I would write link to it on this web. All you can do is to write me and I’ll do it for You.

What is the game about?
The main hero of the game, unlike of other adventures, is a woman or a young girl Linda. The story of the game is located in fictive land of Nyron. Nyron isn’t a normal land, there are powers, which you can find in fairy tales. In short, spells and magic, supernatural creatures, is what you will see in the game.
The game is about magic amulets helping the land of Nyron to flourish. But, as usuall in fairy tales, an evil wizard called Zarkyran wants to get hold of amulets and to come the king of Nyron with their help. Only the young woman Linda can stop the evil and save the land.
You’ll be discovering step by step mysteries of particular amulets, their origin You’ll see happy ending, but not everything can be rectfied… and you must wait for more details about story until the game is released.
You will visit with Linda: mysterious woods, a small town, sea and beach, you’ll find yourself at the bottom of the sea, you’ll feel heat of the desert and cold of a arctic land, you’ll touch the stars and at the end you’ll be little scared in dark castle Bwurk. Linda will meet on her journey a sea fairy, dwarf, dragon and, of course, a main antihero of game - wizard Zarkyran.

What is the game in short?
- 2D point and click adventure
- amateur adventure
- game with fairylike story, where good defeats evil
- main character is a woman
- it can be compared to Kyrandia, or series King’s Quest
- after finishing the game will be freeware
- bilingual; I plan an English version too

The game definitely isn’t:
- 3D (I don’t like 3D)
- humorous adventure (like many other adventures)
- from modern age
- parody (to other game)

PS: The game IS in English - you can choose between czech and english language in the setup window, when you run the game for the first time!!!

Review This Download

     (142mb )

Posted by Assault Andy 20th March, 2005

Graphics look very nice. 142Mb? That could be the largest game on this site!
Posted by Tomus 21st March, 2005

The game is available in czech/english version, you can choose between the CZ and EN in the setup when running the game for the first time. I wouldn't upload it if it was not english...
Posted by DaVince 22nd March, 2005

Sweeeeeeeeet! Since I have ADSL, I'm gonna download!
Posted by DaVince 22nd March, 2005

Ah, I suggest you make a small version, with, for example, low-res graphics. It would make the game a LOT smaller and you will get more people downloading this.
Posted by Fanotherpg 22nd March, 2005

I'll download it and see if I can do anything with it... and only 142 MB ?? I know that you will see many times bigger game..
Posted by Christodoulou Apps 22nd March, 2005

omg! it's the biggest game that has ever been released on the DC! You must create a smaller -way smaller- version of this game girl; many of us have 56kbs connections and we cannot download it... The screenshots are awsome! You're an artist. 8)
Posted by Fanotherpg 22nd March, 2005

I download it (from DC) and play it and I can say only one thing this game is AWESOME !!! I want sequel I don't like this kind games but I know that I have to end it so I'm getting back to playing :D Yea 2 hours on 60 Kb/s connection with FREE DOWNLOAD MANAGER...
Posted by Entropy Blaster 22nd March, 2005

Congratulations, awesome and unique style ;)
Posted by renkin 22nd March, 2005

Nice, a point and click adventure should be interesting. Getting. :)
Posted by axel 22nd March, 2005

nice! though it will take ages to download it with my bravely struggling 500kb :P
Posted by The Chris Street 22nd March, 2005

Was this made with MMF?
Posted by LilSpriteX 22nd March, 2005

Currently downloading at 164 bytes/second. Methinks I should try again later!
Posted by Tomus 22nd March, 2005

It was made in WME (Wintermute engine) - look at
Posted by Galaxy613 22nd March, 2005

Too bad, because if Cricy has anything to say about it. It won't be in the new GOTW.
Posted by Joey Drasal 22nd March, 2005

Are u in asociation with Ytanium? By the way nice game.
Posted by Joshtek 22nd March, 2005

The download site seems down, I'm gonna try the mirrors at :) The mirror seems to be doing quite well - maxing out at around 103KBps :D
Posted by Kris 22nd March, 2005

why are people reviewing this already?? You should play a game through, or at least get half way before you review it
Posted by Noyb 22nd March, 2005

Awesome game, so far! I've only gotten the first potion ingredient, but I'm loving the puzzles, graphics, music, and general naturalistic feel. Plus, I'm a huge fan of point and click adventures!
Posted by Joshtek 22nd March, 2005

Noyb, I just have to agree with you. Nice job!
Posted by Retired Kliker Lazarus 23rd March, 2005

I wish I had highspeed. WHY JESUS, WHY?
Posted by Broomie 24th March, 2005

Oh, I saw this game you posted it at AGDI. I'll download it.
Posted by SculptureOfSoul 24th March, 2005

This is really impressive. Was this a one man project? Also, that WME engine looks quite powerful - is it difficult to learn in comparison to MMF?
Posted by Tomus 24th March, 2005

It's a project of a OFF Studio team (see And we don't have anything in common with Ytanium, they just reviewed our game.
Posted by DaVince 25th March, 2005

This game is sweeeeeet :D! Who dares to vote thumbs down?!
Posted by Broomie 25th March, 2005

The kind of people who play shitty FPS's and wouldn't know an adventure game if it bit them on the arse.
Posted by 醤油の兵士 25th March, 2005

This is a very good game, still can't compare to shivers though :P...anyway...Thumbs Up
Posted by kreature 26th March, 2005

Listen, people. I see a whole pack of clickfolks, here in defiance of the dangers of the internet! You have come to click as owners of a 56k modem. And 56k modem owners you are! What will you do without the a 56k modem? Will you buy broadband instead? Buy broadband and you may die. Use a 56k modem and you will live at least awhile. And dying in your bed many years from now, would you be willing to trade all the days from this day to that for one chance, just one chance, to come back here as young men and tell other people that they have large filesizes on their files but it won't matter - because we have broadband!
Posted by Noyb 26th March, 2005

"Buy broadband and you may die." This statement is flawed, because all klikers, as mortals, will eventually die. Your implied argument that 56k users will outlive broadband users is also flawed, not taking into account degenerative stress imparted on them for having to wait longer to access the same online materials, shortening both lifespan and the amount of productive time available to an internet user. Yes, Five Magical Amulets has a large filesize, but that is not for bragging rights alone. The game is long and detailed, filled with beautiful hand-drawn graphics and animations, as well as a stellar soundtrack. The game cannot be completed in a mere few hours (or minutes) like most other games on this site, and is well worth the wait.
Posted by Broomie 26th March, 2005

I downloaded FMA in 10 minutes. :P
Posted by Fanotherpg 27th March, 2005

The game is brilliant and beautiful I just want to see it as GOTW :)
Posted by axel 28th March, 2005

1% still downloading... i wonder if this is really worth it... 2% :O "cannot download"??!! AAAAARRRRGH! {mad}
Posted by Tim Myres 28th March, 2005

Transfer Rate: 245 KB/Sec And still took 10 minutes. ;) What I want to know is how the hell the file size got so large...At first I thought it was a typo, you know 148KB maybe.
Posted by Tomus 29th March, 2005

We weren't able to make the installation file smaller. There is 30 minutes of music in it, and the graphics are just very detailed. We rather produced a bit larger file, because the game could lose its appeal with compressed backgrounds and lower quality of sound. I hope FMA is still worth the download...
Posted by Green Gnome 29th March, 2005

Oh gods.. I want this but it's going to take half hours!
Posted by Mnemonic 1st April, 2005

Phizzy, I suppose you're using Win98/Me, right? Please download a small patch for these systems, you can find instructions at
Posted by Wormware 7th April, 2005

man, this is really good stuff! Nice job!
Posted by Mystara 11th April, 2005

I understand that a lot of people are still on 56K connections, but to insist someone cut their work to save download time is a bit extreme. Face it, good long games are going to be big these days. Great work, wonderful job, now let's see if I can get through it . . .





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