The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Tutorial ::. Inventory System (open source)

Inventory System (open source)
Author: Coop Submitted: 29th March, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Tutorial Downloads: 631

Edited By Coop on 3/30/2005

Edited By Coop on 3/30/2005

This is an open source Inventory system I made that allows you to pickup, equip, unequip and drop items by selecting them.

First pickup item one or two and it is placed in the empty slot closest to the first box.
Then you can highlight one of the items by clicking in the box and when doing this certain buttons become available to you.
When you equip one of the items it is shown on your character and the box is highlighted. You are then not able to equip any other items until the first item is unequipped.
One thing I never did was dropping the item once its equipped, you first have to unequip it then drop it.

I also didn't comment or really name any of the counters or objects, but I will still do it if anybody wants me to.
This inventory system could probably be shortened into not so many lines of code, but thats how I was most easily able to do it.
Anyway, I hope this helps someone and if you have any questions on the confusing coding just ask me and I'll probably just add comments and such.

Review This Download (10kb )

Posted by Jamesbuc 30th March, 2005

Copy and paste to download. (always wanted to say that. :P )
Posted by axel 30th March, 2005

it's dead
Posted by Wicked Studios 30th March, 2005

it worked for me...
Posted by Rory Griffin 30th March, 2005

you need to update the link because you made the actual link go to "" with a capital "I" and not a lower-case "i".
Posted by Rory Griffin 30th March, 2005

double posting but oh well, i'm sure my dad jay-walking never hurt the overall picture of the world: This is actually a really cool inventory system. Awesome job on it. Good for your traditional isometric type RPG games.
Posted by Coop 30th March, 2005

There i just added two fricken AWSOME screenshots
Posted by Coop 30th March, 2005

Damn Rory you were right, link fixed.
Posted by AndyUK 31st March, 2005

bitmap screenshots, there are smaller filetypes out there, infact anything is smaller than bitmap.
Posted by Coop 31st March, 2005

yeah, but look how delicious they look. I don't need to worry about file space anyway.
Posted by Pkeod 7th April, 2005

Instead worry about the bandwidth. >_> Gif and Png work great if you have a good program to save them with.
Posted by Mecha the Slag 11th October, 2005

*Link is dead, again*





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