The Daily Click ::. Downloads ::. Demo ::. Xs and Os demo

Xs and Os demo
Author: temporary1357 Submitted: 30th March, 2005 Favourites:0
Genre: Demo Downloads: 226

Edited By Sizzem on 3/31/2005

I was going to make 100 minigames but I decided to stop at 18 and release this demo. The whole game is minigames consisting of Xs and Os. No point in screenshots, the whole game is just 32x32 Xs and Os.

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Posted by X_Sheep 30th March, 2005

Pretty addictive, but you should have more time on just about everything.
Posted by AndyUK 30th March, 2005

well i think a screenshot is better than none, even if the graphics are minimal. No screenshots make the whole thing look lazy and wont convice us to play the game. Still i will give it a go.
Posted by kjarom 30th March, 2005

WOW, that was a really good game. Very addictive.
Posted by Ski 30th March, 2005

lol im addicted, but its very hard in some cases. Ive recently been working on a game called kushitek, almost like Warioware but not as fast moving, theyre fun games to make as you never get sick of designing new levels, unlike a normal game where you have to keep similar styles throughout in order for it to look good.
Posted by Coop 30th March, 2005

that was really good, some of those games are really tough, i cant get past the second X on the tunnel one
Posted by Silveraura 30th March, 2005

I really liked this, lacks in graphics of course, you already told us that its only Xes & O's, but in this case, the lack of graphics seriously is made up for in addictiveness. pretty original idea's though some are hard, many are very fun. :-) Thumbs Up here.
Posted by AndyUK 31st March, 2005

okay ive tried it now, some good ideas there, all quite tricky. Im sure it skipped one though before i had finished it.




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